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these docs are constantly under construction! if you have something you feel should be added, dont hesitate to open a feature request on github :3 (just the bug tracker)
, anddofile
have all been disabled - A new function
has been added: it takes 1 parameter (path name relative to the m3we scripts folder, ex: "testScript.lua") and returns the object that the lua file returns -
prints to the Minecraft chat -
prints to the Minecraft console - A new function
has been added: it takes 1 parameter (any object), and displays all the properties of that object in chat - A new function
has been added: it takes 1 parameter (the class name) and returns that class. Probably not useful unless you know what you're doing ;3
The Datastore API is super simple: it's an empty table that can be read from or written to by any script. It is global and per-world, and there is a limitation: it can only contain strings, numbers, booleans, and other tables, and the keys can only be strings or numbers. (Also any references to the table will be lost when putting a table into the Datastore - just be careful of that)
If you would like to edit the Datastore table outside of Minecraft, look inside your save (.minecraft/saves/your save/m3we_datastore.dat). it'll be an nbt file :3
Just use it like a regular Lua table lol
Out of courtesy to other m3we creators, consider creating a table inside the Datastore table to manage all your resources in, to avoid conflicts. A good name for this table is your Minecraft username :3
Datastore.kyfex_uwu = {}
Datastore.kyfex_uwu.globalValue = "owo"
Datastore.kyfex_uwu[7] = true
The Property API is a simple way to manage blockstates. It only has 2 functions: Properties.get and Properties.set and they each do what you would expect.
- Properties.get(state, nameOfProperty)
EX:Properties.get(state, "facing")
Returns the state's value of the property specified or nil, if no property is found.
- Properties.set(world, pos, nameOfProperty, value)
EX:Properties.set(world, pos, "facing", "north")
Sets the property specified on a block to the value specified, and returns true if it succeeded. Pass in a table: {the current state of this block, the world this block is in, and the position of this block}, the name of the property you want to change, and the value you want to change it to.
The Create API is your go-to whenever you need to create a new Minecraft object. Each of these methods creates and returns a different object with the specified properties.
- Create.itemStack({properties})
EX:Create.itemStack({ item="diamond", count=10 })
Creates a new ItemStack with the item and count specified. Count is optional, and defaults to 1. Additionally, if you pass in "empty" instead of the properties table, you get air.
- Create.blockPos(x, y, z)
Creates a block position (useful if you want to add a block to the world.)
- Create.blockState(blockStateData)
EX:Create.blockState({block="oak_log", properties={ axis="x" }})
Creates a block state (useful if you want to add a block to the world.) (Passing in an Enum value here should work as well, but I haven't tested it)
- Create.inventory(size)
Creates an inventory with the specified size.
- Create.entity.item(world, x, y, z, stack, [vx, vy, vz])
EX:Create.entity.item(world, 10, 70, 10, Create.itemStack({...}))
Spawns an item in the world with the specified x, y, and z (and optionally with the specified velocity).
The Registry API registers things that need to be used on both the client and the server.
- Registry.registerGui(guiName, guiBehavior)
Registers a GUI to be used later. The guiBehavior parameter is a table, with the following properties:
- "register" - a table with the following properties:
- "slots" - how many slots this custom GUI has
- "hasPlayerInventory" - whether or not this GUI renders the player's inventory. If you use
then this should be set to true. A boolean
- "onClient" - a function that takes 1 parameter: the GUI object. This function is in charge of rendering the GUI on the client, and runs every frame. It should be written as follows:
onClient = function(gui, mouseX, mouseY)
(code goes here)
- "onServer" - a function that takes 1 parameter: the GUI object. This function is in charge of handling things on the server side, and only runs whenever the GUI gets updated. (when an item is moved or a button is pressed) It should be written as follows:
onServer = function(gui)
(code goes here)
- "onClose" - a function that takes 2 parameters: this GUI object and the player who is closing the inventory. This function runs when the GUI is closed. It should be written as follows:
onClose = function(gui, player)
(code goes here)
If onClient, onServer, or onClose are not defined, nothing bad will happen. Just make sure there is a register value with a slots property, even if the value of slots is 0. (actually i have no idea what im saying brb gotta check what happens here)
The GUI API is the API that manages everything about GUIs: client-side, server-side, rendering, the whole thing.
- Gui.openGui(player, guiName)
EX:Gui.openGui(player, "test-gui")
Opens the specified GUI for the specified player by the specified block.
- Gui.setBounds(width, height)
EX:Gui.setBounds(176, 216)
Sets the width and height of this GUI.
- Gui.rect(x, y, width, height)
EX:Gui.rect(0, 0, 176, 126)
Draws a GUI rectangle with the specified properties.
- Gui.slot(x, y, slotIndex)
EX:Gui.slot(20, 20, 0)
Draws the GUI slot with the specified index at the specified position. Starts at 0 (tell me if i should change this)
- Gui.drawImg(textureName, texWidth, texHeight, destX, destY, [srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH]) or
Gui.drawImg(textureName, texWidth, texHeight, destX, destY, destW, destH, [srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH])
Gui.drawImg("minecraft:block/dirt", 16, 16, 2, 2)
draws dirt at the top left of the GUI -
Gui.drawImg("minecraft:entity/blaze", 64, 32, 100, 100, 24, 24, 8, 8, 8, 8)
draws a blaze face near the bottom left of the GUI
Draws from a texture at the specified position.
- Gui.text(textToDraw, x, y)
EX:Gui.text("Test GUI", 8, 6)
Draws the specified text at the specified position.
- Gui.playerInventory(x, y)
Gui.playerInventory(0, 118)
Draws the player's inventory at the specified position.
- Gui.getSlot(slotIndex, slotType)
EX:Gui.getSlot(0, "inventory")
orGui.getSlot(5, "player")
Gets the specified slot from either the GUI slots or the player slots.
- Gui.doInWorld(toDo)
EX:Gui.doInWorld(function(world, pos) ... end)
Executes the function in the specified world at the specified position. This is generally the world and position of the block that called this function.
The Enums API is simply a table of useful enums. For example, if you want to check if the player clicked a block with their offhand, you could say hand == Enums.OFF_HAND
- ActionResult
- Direction
- Hand
- RedstonePower
The Redstone API handles a bunch of things related to redstone.
- Redstone.getPower(world, blockPos, powerType)
EX:Redstone.getPower(world, blockPos, Enums.RedstonePower.STRONG)
Gets the power level at this location. Note: if the strong power is greater than the weak power, this function will return the strong power always instead of the weak.
- Redstone.getEmittedPower(world, blockPos, direction)
EX:Redstone.getEmittedPower(world, blockPos, Enums.Direction.UP)
Gets the power level emitted from this block in this direction.
The Signals API lets you send messages from the client to the server and back.
- Signals.registerEvent(eventName, runOnClient, runOnServer)
EX:Signals.registerEvent("kyfex_uwu.ping", function(data) ... end, function(data) ... end)
Registers these two functions to be run whenever a message is sent with the name eventName
. For example, if you call this Signals.send("ping", 4)
on the client, the server will run runOnServer
with data
. Consider prefixing your event with your Minecraft username, as to avoid signal conflicts.
- Signals.send(name, data)
EX:Signals.send("kyfex_uwu.ping", 4)
Sends a signal to the other connection: if this is called on the client, it sends a signal to the server, and if called on the server, it sends a signal to the client.
This API is for all the functions that don't fit anywhere else.
- Misc.runCommand(commandToRun, world)
EX:Misc.runCommand("give @r diamond 64", world)
Runs the specified command in the specified world. If this is run by a block, world
is optional and the command will be run at the position and world of the block.