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Consul Alerting

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This project provides a daemon to run alongside Consul and alert on health check failures. It can be configured to watch only local service and node health checks, or to use the catalog to monitor all services/checks. It distributes the alerting load by acquiring individual locks on the nodes/services it is monitoring, allowing daemons on different hosts to share the work and to pick up monitoring for one another in the event of node failure.

The Consul key/value store is used for storing persistent state about alerts; in the event of a process being restarted or lock ownership changing, the information about the last alert sent for a given service/node is preserved. This is to avoid sending duplicate alerts and leaving hanging alerts that never resolve. Only the most recently known state is held in the KV store for comparisons so that the usage does not increase over time.


Discovery Modes

The scope of both the services and nodes to monitor can be configured via the service_watch and node_watch config parameters respectively. In a small deployment with few services/nodes, global mode can be used for both settings and consul-alerting will attempt to watch all services and nodes in the catalog. For a large deployment with many services and nodes, both can be set to local mode and consul-alerting can be run on every node, monitoring only the services and checks registered with the local Consul agent.

Command Line

To run the daemon, pass the -config flag for the config file location. If a config file is not specified, the default configuration settings will be used and alerts will be logged on the stdout handler.

consul-alerting [--help] -config=/path/to/config.hcl

Configuration File(s)

The Consul Alerting configuration files are written in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). By proxy, this means the Consul Alerting configuration file is JSON-compatible. For more information, please see the HCL specification.

Example Config
consul_address = "localhost:8500"
consul_token = "secret"
datacenter = "prod-1"

node_watch = "local"
service_watch = "global"

change_threshold = 60
default_handlers = ["email.admin", "pagerduty.page_ops"]

log_level = "info"

service "redis" {
  change_threshold = 30
  distinct_tags = true
  ignored_tags = ["master", "node"]

service "webapp" {
  change_threshold = 45
  handlers = ["slack.dev_channel"]

handler "stdout" "log" {
  log_level = "warn"

handler "email" "admin" {
  recipients = ["[email protected]"]

handler "pagerduty" "page_ops" {
  service_key = "asdf1234"
  max_retries = 10

handler "slack" "dev_channel" {
  api_token = "mytoken"
  channel_name = "webapp_team"

Global Options

Option Description
consul_address The address of the Consul agent to connect to. Defaults to localhost:8500.
consul_token The Consul API token. There is no default value.
datacenter The datacenter name to use in alerts. Defaults to the datacenter of the Consul agent.
node_watch The setting to use for discovering nodes. If set to local, only the local node's health will be watched. If set to global, all nodes in the catalog will be watched. Defaults to local.
service_watch The setting to use for discovering services. If set to local, only services on the local node will be watched. If set to global, all services in the catalog will be watched. Defaults to local.
change_threshold The time (in seconds) that a check must be in a failing state before alerting. Defaults to 60.
default_handlers The default list of handlers to send alerts to, in the form Defaults to all configured handlers.
log_level The logging level to use. Defaults to info.

Service Options

The following options can be specified in a service block:

Option Description
change_threshold The time (in seconds) that this service must be in a failing state before alerting. Defaults to the global change_threshold.
distinct_tags Treat every tag registered as a distinct service, and specify the tag when sending alerts about the failing service. Defaults to false.
ignored_tags Tags to ignore when using distinct_tags. Useful when excluding generic tags like "master" that are spread across multiple clusters of the same service.
handlers A list of handlers to send alerts for this service, in the form If not specified, the global default_handlers setting is used.

Handler Options


Option Description
log_level The level to log alerts on. Defaults to "warn".


Option Description
recipients The list of email addresses to use.
max_retries The maximum number of times to retry after a failure when sending an alert email. Defaults to 5.


Option Description
service_key The PagerDuty api key to use.
max_retries The maximum number of times to retry after an api failure when alerting. Defaults to 5.


Option Description
api_token The Slack api token to use.
channel_name The Slack channel name to send alerts to.
max_retries The maximum number of times to retry after an api failure when alerting. Defaults to 5.

Example log output:

[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Loaded handler: stdout.log
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Using Consul agent at
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Using datacenter: dc1
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Monitoring local node (consul)'s checks
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Discovering services from catalog
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Waiting to acquire lock on node consul...
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Service found: consul, tags: []
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Service found: nginx, tags: [gamma delta]
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Service found: redis, tags: [alpha beta]
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Waiting to acquire lock on service nginx...
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Waiting to acquire lock on service redis (tag: beta)...
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Waiting to acquire lock on service redis (tag: alpha)...
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Waiting to acquire lock on service consul...
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Acquired lock for service consul
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Acquired lock for node consul
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Acquired lock for service redis (tag: beta)
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Acquired lock for service nginx
[Sep  6 01:42:41]  INFO Acquired lock for service redis (tag: alpha)
[Sep  6 01:42:47]  WARN dc1: service nginx is now warning
[Sep  6 01:42:47]  WARN Failing checks:
[Sep  6 01:42:47]  WARN => (node) consul
[Sep  6 01:42:47]  WARN ==> (check) Service 'nginx' check:
[Sep  6 01:42:47]  WARN example warning check output
[Sep  6 01:43:02]  WARN dc1: service nginx is now passing
[Sep  6 01:43:31]  WARN dc1: node consul is now warning
[Sep  6 01:43:31]  WARN Failing checks:
[Sep  6 01:43:31]  WARN => (check) memory usage:
[Sep  6 01:43:31]  WARN example warning check output