Conversion script for conversion of TCIA DICOM data to NIfTI format (dataset: FDG-PET-CT-Lesion, doi: ).
To run the script you will need a number of python packages. Use the terminal and run sequentially:
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install dicom2nifti
pip3 install nibabel
pip3 install pydicom
pip3 install tqdm
pip3 install nilearn
in case you use a Colab or Jupyter notebook and cannot use the terminal you can perform these installations by adding a "!" in front of the commands, e.g.
!pip3 install numpy
DICOM data downloaded from TCIA will have the following format:
Directory structure of the original DICOM data within the folder /PATH/TO/DICOM/FDG-PET-CT-Lesions/ :
In order to run this script use the terminal and navigate to the path where the script is stored, then run:
is the directory of the DICOM data downloaded from TCIA (see above: data structure) and
is the path you want to store the NIfTI files in.
You can ignore the nilearn warning:
.../nilearn/image/ UserWarning: Casting data from int16 to float32 warnings.warn("Casting data from %s to %s" % (, aux))
or suppress warnings by running the script as (after making sure everything works):
python3 -W ignore /PATH/TO/DICOM/FDG-PET-CT-Lesions/ /PATH/TO/NIFTI/FDG-PET-CT-Lesions/
The resulting NIfTI directory will have the following structure:
Running the script can take multiple hours.
Conversion script for conversion of TCIA NIfTI data (created using - see above) to mha files.
To run the script you will need a number of python packages. Use the terminal and run sequentially:
pip3 install SimpleITK
pip3 install tqdm
in case you use a Colab or Jupyter notebook and cannot use the terminal you can perform these installations by adding a "!" in front of the commands, e.g.
!pip3 install SimpleITK
In order to run this script use the terminal and navigate to the path where the script is stored, then run:
is the directory of the NIfTI data generated using (see above) and
is the path you want to store the MHA files in.
You can ignore the nilearn warning:
.WARNING: In /tmp/SimpleITK-build/ITK/Modules/IO/Meta/src/itkMetaImageIO.cxx, line 669 MetaImageIO (0x2d9b300): Unsupported or empty metaData item intent_name of type Ssfound, won't be written to image file
or suppress warnings by running the script as (after making sure everything works):
python3 -W ignore /PATH/TO/NIFTI/FDG-PET-CT-Lesions/ /PATH/TO/MHA/FDG-PET-CT-Lesions/
Conversion script for conversion of TCIA NIfTI data (created using - see above) to a single hdf5 file
To run the script you will need a number of python packages. Use the terminal and run sequentially:
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install h5py
pip3 install tqdm
pip3 install nibabel
in case you use a Colab or Jupyter notebook and cannot use the terminal you can perform these installations by adding a "!" in front of the commands, e.g.
!pip3 install numpy
In order to run this script use the terminal and navigate to the path where the script is stored, then run:
python3 /PATH/TO/NIFTI/FDG-PET-CT-Lesions/ /PATH/TO/HDF5/FDG-PET-CT-Lesions.hdf5
is the directory of the NIfTI data generated using (see above) and
is the path and filename of the hdf5 file to be created.
All scripts were tested under python 3.9 with the following package versions: