- git clone https://github.com/ladantork/News_API_Solo.git
- News_API_Solo
- This project uses two databases: one for real-looking dev data and another for simpler test data.
- You will need to create two .env files for your project:
- .env.test and add PGDATABASE=nc_news_test into the file
- .env.development add PGDATABASE=nc_news into the file.
- database name for this environment located in /db/setup.sql
- run npm install in your terminal
- run npm i jest in your terminal
- npm run setup-dbs: Essential for setting up the databases.
- npm run seed :populating the databases with initial data.
- npm run test :running tests using Jest.
- npm run prepare : Essential for installing Husky during the preparation phase, enabling Git hook management.
- npm install dotenv
- npm install pg
- npm install pg-format
- npm install express supertest jest --save-dev