Yard is an API oriented framework that aims to simplify the developer's work when implementing complex API design. It provides a neat, familiar and easy way to control the logic for acceptable parameters in each http-GET-request.
pip install yard-framework==2.2.0
Check the version 3.x
from yard import resources, forms, fields
from models import Book
class BooksResource(resources.Resource):
# model associated with the resource (mandatory)
model = Book
# used in the index and show methods
fields = {
'id': fields.Integer,
'title': fields.Unicode,
'publication_date': fields.Unicode,
'author': {
'age': fields.Integer,
'name': fields.Unicode
class Parameters:
year = forms.IntegerParam( alias='publication_date__year', min=1970, max=2012 )
title = forms.CharParam( required=True )
genre = forms.CharParam( alias='genres' )
author = forms.CharParam( alias='author__id' )
house = forms.CharParam( alias='publishing_house__id' )
__logic__ = year, title, genre & (author|house)
def list(self, request, params):
#GET /resource/
return Book.objects.filter( **params )
def detail(self, request, book_id):
#GET /resource/:id/
return Book.objects.get( id=book_id )
def create(self, request):
#POST /resource/
return 401, 'You are not authorize'
def update(self, request, book_id):
#PUT /resource/:id/
def destroy(self, request, book_id):
#DELETE /resource/:id/
from views import AuthorResource, BookResource
from yard.api import Api
api = Api()
api.include( 'books', BookResource )
api.include( 'authors', AuthorResource )
urlpatterns = api.urlpatterns
- Resource and API oriented
- Complex API logic
- Hypermedia API
- JSON serialization
- API discovery
- Pagination
- Metadata
- Resource versioning
For more information, check the documentation.
I've been working with a fairly complex project, with equally complex API design. Django forms weren't enough for what i needed, i still had too much code on my resources validating the input parameters. That was when I started to developed my own resource, inspired by the Dagny project, that would relieve my views from the ugliness of input validations.
With a few extra inspirations, Yard was born.
Other frameworks and applications, more mature and solid, such as Tastypie and Django-Rest-Framework, can be enough for most needs. But i think Yard brings something new. In the end, I'm just having fun really and keeping it simple.