A plugin that allows players to repair their items with experience points or a specified item, with customizable repair amounts and costs.
- Repair items using experience points or a specified item
- Specify a permission required to use the repair feature
- Repair items with the right click mouse button while holding shift
- Allow only certain enchantments to be repaired with the plugin
The plugin's configuration can be found in the plugins/BetterMending/config.yml
# The amount of experience points required to repair 1 durability point
xpCost: 1
# The amount of durability points repaired per use
repairAmount: 2
# List of enchantments that are allowed to be used with the repair feature.
# The plugin will only use enchantments from this list for repair.
# Enchantments should be specified using their Minecraft ID (e.g. MENDING, PROTECTION).
# To allow all enchantments, specify "any" (without quotes).
# Message displayed when the player does not have permission to use the repair feature
noPermissionMessage: "You do not have permission to use the repair feature!"
# Message displayed when the player's item is already fully repaired
itemAlreadyRepaired: "Your item is already fully repaired."
# Message displayed when the player's item does not have the MENDING enchantment
itemDoesNotHaveMending: "Your item does not have the MENDING enchantment."
# Message displayed when the MENDING enchantment is not allowed on the server
mendingNotAllowed: "The MENDING enchantment is not allowed on this server."
# Message displayed when the player does not have enough XP to repair their item
insufficientXP: "You do not have enough XP to repair your item."
# Message displayed when showing the player how much durability is left until their item is fully repaired
durabilityLeftMessage: "Your item has %d durability left until it is fully repaired."
# Message displayed when showing the player how many repairs are needed and how much XP it will cost to fully repair their item
repairsNeededMessage: "It will take %d repair(s) to fully repair your item, costing a total of %d exp points."
bettermending.use: Allow a player to use the repair feature