Scala Commands provides simple DSL for executing shell commands locally or through SSH. It is lightweight, extensible and fully tested. Enjoy ;)
Coming soon.
The easiest part, just tell Scala Commands what your command is:
import org.zenmode.commands.executor.LocalExecutor
import org.zenmode.commands.cmd.Cmd
// Local executor sends commands to local shell
implicit val executor = new LocalExecutor
// Define your awesome command
val ls = Cmd("ls") withArg "-la" inDir "/usr/bin"
// Execute it
val res = ls.execute
// Enjoy results
Usually you will execute several commands in a row. In such cases you may want to combine your commands in to single entity, for easy management.
Scala Commands contains different command sequences:
- CmdSeq - Just plain sequence. Executes your commands one by one no matter what.
- FailFastCmdSeq - As one above, but stops execution if one of commands returns error code. Most times this is what you want.
- CmdTransaction - The most complicated yet most powerful sequence, will roll changes back if one of the commands fails.
Using it is simple and fun:
import org.zenmode.commands.cmd.Cmd
import org.zenmode.commands.cmd.seq.FailFastCmdSeq
// Local executor sends commands to local shell
implicit val executor = new LocalExecutor
// Define scommand equence
val prepareHomeStructure =
Cmd("mkdir") withArg "/home/paul",
Cmd("mkdir") withArg "Books" inDir "/home/paul",
Cmd("mkdir") withArg "Music" inDir "/home/paul",
Cmd("touch") withArg "Readme" inDir "/home/paul"
// All is ready for execution
Scala Commands carefully collects results of all your commands, so you could fully manage execution flow. After command or sequence executed, library provides you with a Result
instance. Let's inspect it:
// Execute some command
val result = cmd.execute
// Easy way to check success
if (result.succeeded)
// Or handle failure
if (result.failed)
// You can easily access original command exit code
val exitCode = result.exitCode
// Command output as string
val out = result.stdoutAsString
// And even as raw bytes!
val bytes = result.stdout
// Errors goes to stderr
val errors = result.stderrAsString
After sequence executed, you got ResultSeq
which contains results from each of commands, unbelievable!
// Execute some sequence
val results = seq.execute
// Is our sequence succeeded?
if (results.succeeded) {
// Of course it does
// Inspect each of results { result =>
val exitCode = result.exitCode
val out = result.stdoutAsString
val errors = result.stderrAsString
Scala Commands could execute your commands through SSH transparently, just change executor!
import org.zenmode.commands.executor.SSHExecutor
import org.zenmode.commands.cmd.Cmd
// As easy as change one line
implicit val executor = new SSHExecutor("", "paul", "password")
// And
val retrieveForgottenDoc = Cmd("cat") withArg "prices.xml" inDir "/home/paul/Documents"
// Your commands executes on remote host automatically
val res = retrieveForgottenDoc.execute
// Pure magic!
val docIveForgot = res.stdoutAsString
Stay tuned.
- Logvinov Pavel [email protected]
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