Pokémon-Pcap is an Instacheck-compactible tool to capture and display Pokémon data structures over 3DS wireless communication on Pokémon X and Pokémon Y on posix systems.
##How to use
First, you will need a way to route 3DS traffic via your computer. The simplest way would be to host a wireless hotspot.
Afterwards, get a copy of the repository
git clone https://github.com/lamperi/pokemon-pcap.git
Load npm dependencies
cd pokemon-pcap
npm install
Copy the example configuration file.
cp config_example.json config.json
Edit 3ds.mac to be your 3DS MAC address. Edit runas to have valid user and group on your system. Choose a suitable device for pcap.interface.
Then, run the program.
sudo node main.js
If no error messages are printed, you can open your web browser on http://localhost:5008.