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Helm Chart of PgBouncer. Taylored for Google Kubernetes Engine


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GKE Pgbouncer

PgBouncer is a lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL. This chart is forked from, and tailored to be used on Google Kubernetes Engine by using Cloud Proxy.


Clone this project

~$ git clone [email protected]:landx-id/pgbouncer-chart-gke.git

Update values.yml to appropriate values any variables inside square brackets []

  1. [DB_User] : Database username
  2. [DB_Password] : Database password
  3. [DB_Name] : Database name
  4. [GKE_Service_Account] : Service Account, annotated by Cloud SQL Service Account
  5. [GCP_Project_ID] : GCP Project ID
  6. [Cloud_SQL_Region] : Region of Cloud SQL DB Instance
  7. [DB_Instance] : DB Instance Name

Install using Helm

~$ helm install pgbouncer . -f values.yaml --namespace <your-namespace>

Override PgBouncer Setting

The setting about pgbouncer lies in config.pgbouncer. This reflects to pgbouncer.ini files in keys-values manner. For details, go to

    auth_type: md5
    pool_mode: transaction
    max_client_conn: 1024
    default_pool_size: 15
    max_db_connections: 15
    listen_port: 5432

Annotate GKE Service Account

GKE Service Account must be annotated with Cloud SQL Service Account in order to work with PgBouncer.

Create namespace if does not exist

~$ kubectl create namespace myapp

Create Kubernetes Service Account (e.g kubesql-ksa) on that namespace

~$ kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace myapp kubesql-ksa

Let's say you have a GCP Project my-gcp-project, and a Cloud SQL Service Account cloudsql-sa.

~$ gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
 --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
 --member "[myapp/kubesql-ksa]" \
 [email protected]

Annotate Kubernetes Service Account with Cloud Service Account

~$ kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
--namespace myapp kubesql-ksa \

Chart Configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Prometheus chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Desired number of pgbouncer pods 1
updateStrategy Deploy strategy of the Deployment {}
minReadySeconds Interval between discrete pods transitions 0
revisionHistoryLimit Rollback limit 10
imagePullSecrets Container image pull secrets []
image.registry Pgbouncer container image registry ""
image.repository Pgbouncer container image repository pgbouncer/pgbouncer
image.tag Pgbouncer container image tag 1.15.0
image.pullPolicy Pgbouncer container image pull policy IfNotPresent
service.type Type of pgbouncer service to create ClusterIP
service.port Pgbouncer service port 5432
podLabels Labels to add to the pod metadata {}
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the pod metadata {}
extraEnvs Additional environment variables to set []
resources Pgbouncer pod resource requests & limits {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pgbouncer pod assignment {}
lifecycle Lifecycle hooks {}
tolerations Node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >=1.6) []
affinity Pod affinity {}
priorityClassName Priority of pods ""
runtimeClassName Runtime class for pods ""
config.adminUser Set pgbouncer admin_user option. admin_user - database user that are allowed to connect and run all commands on console. admin
config.adminPassword Set password for admin_user "", required
config.authUser Set pgbouncer auth_user option. If auth_user is set, any user not specified in auth_file will be queried through the auth_query query from pg_shadow in the database using auth_user ""
config.authPassword Set password for auth_user ""
config.databases Dict of database connections string described in section [databases] in pgbouncer.ini file {}
config.pgbouncer Dict of pgbouncer options described in section [pgbouncer] in pgbouncer.ini file
config.userlist Dict of users for userlist.txt file {}
extraContainers Additional containers to be added to the pods []
extraInitContainers Containers, which are run before the app containers are started []
extraVolumeMounts Additional volumeMounts to the main container []
extraVolumes Additional volumes to the pods []
pgbouncerExporter.enabled Enables pgbouncer exporter in pod false
pgbouncerExporter.port Pgbouncer exporter port 9127
pgbouncerExporter.image.registry Pgbouncer exporter image registry ""
pgbouncerExporter.image.repository Pgbouncer exporter image repository prometheuscommunity/pgbouncer-exporter
pgbouncerExporter.image.tag Pgbouncer exporter image tag 2.0.1
pgbouncerExporter.image.pullPolicy Pgbouncer exporter image pull policy IfNotPresent
pgbouncerExporter.resources Pgbouncer exporter resources {"limits":{"cpu":"250m","memory":"150Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"30m","memory":"40Mi"}} Kubernetes ServiceAccount for service. Creates new if empty ""
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to set for ServiceAccount {}


Helm Chart of PgBouncer. Taylored for Google Kubernetes Engine







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