This repository forms the implementation of the Simple Random Sampling Clustering (SiRaSaC) library. The goal of that library is to extract a (stratified) random sample from either an existing buffer or from a binary file.
The procedure is described in our paper Clustering large 3D volumes: A sampling-based approach.
Building the C library is done via CMake, please check the options therein.
It also supports building Python bindings to the library, requiring Python 3.7 installed and the wheel and numpy packages.
The CMake target INSTALL
will install the C library and the potentially generated Python wheel package to the specified CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
The usage of the C library directly is straight-forward. Below, we discuss the usage of the Python bindings.
The installation of the module is executed via pip:
pip install ../path/to/install/dir/sirasac-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
where the file name depends on the Python version run (here: 3.10) and the platform (here: Windows, AMD64).
Within Python, one can import the sampling functions from the sirasac
In order to apply the sampling, the definition of a sampling configuration and a function extracing meta information is necessary.
The meta information is a triple describing the element type, the overall number of elements, and an offset to the beginning of the data in case of file-based sampling.
Additional information can be found in the Cython file.
The following example shows the setup for a numpy.ndarray
from sirasac import extract_random_sample_from_buffer
def meta_from_buf(buf):
# returns index describing element type, the number of elements, and the offset
vt = 'bhiqBHIQfd'
return vt.index(buf.dtype.char), buf.size, 0
samplingConf = {
'sampleSize': 1<<13, # The number of elements to sample.
'stratification_type': STRATIFICATION_TYPES.index('MIXED'), # The stratification type to use.
'number_of_strati': 7, # The number of strati to use.
'mixed_threshold': 5_000 # Threshold for the 'MIXED' stratification scheme.
Given that setup, the sampling from a numpy array is executed via
buffer = np.arange(65535, dtype='H')
error_code, sample = extract_random_sample_from_buffer(buffer, meta_from_buf, samplingConf)
The Python bindings file contains the interpretations of the possible error codes. The obtained sample could be used in any way, like to train some AI-based method.
Please cite SiRaSaC as follows:
T. Lang, Clustering large 3D volumes: A sampling-based approach, 59th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 2022