This package makes it easy to connect to your eBoekhouden Accounting system.
The implementation is based on version 4.9 of the SOAP documentation found here:
Login to your account on eBoekhouden and go to Beheer -> Instellingen -> API/SOAP.
Call the eBoekhoudenConnect class as follow:
$eBoekhouden = new eBoekhoudenConnect("Username", "SecurityCode1", "SecurityCode2");
After that you can use the class as described below:
Here are some usage examples.
$relation = new Relation();
$relation->setCompanyName("Foo Company");
Here are some usage examples.
$mutation = $eBoekhouden->getMutationsByInvoiceNumber($invoiceNumber);
if (isset($mutation->Mutaties->cMutatieList)) {
// Mutation with $invoiceNumber exists
$mutation = new Mutation();
$mutation->setKind("FactuurVerstuurd"); // FactuurOntvangen, FactuurVerstuurd, FactuurbetalingOntvangen, FactuurbetalingVerstuurd, GeldOntvangen, GeldUitgegeven
$mutation->setAccount(1000); // Ledger account code
$mutation->setRelationCode("BAR"); // Must match existing Relation
$mutation->setInvoiceNumber("INV-500"); // Must be unique
$mutation->setTermOfPayment(30); // In days
'BedragInvoer' => 100,
'BedragExclBTW' => 100,
'BedragBTW' => 21,
'BedragInclBTW' => 121,
'BTWCode' => 'HOOG_VERK_21', // Check documentation chapter 4
'BTWPercentage' => 21,
'TegenrekeningCode' => 1000,
Please not that you have to use the Mutation functions when synchronising orders/invoices from your own system to, not Invoices.
$eBoekhouden->getInvoices($dateFrom, $toDate, $invoiceNumber, $relationCode)
Field | Format | Mandatory |
$dateFormat | yyyy-mm-dd | Y |
$toDate | yyyy-mm-dd | Y |
$invoiceNumber | STRING 50 | N |
$relationCode | STRING 15 | N |
Add this to get more debug information:
var_dump($this->soapClient->__getLastRequestHeaders()); // the headers of your last request
var_dump($this->soapClient->__getLastRequest()); // your last request