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How to check if the user is logged in

larson72 edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 12 revisions


Check if the user is logged in (ie: user identity widget)


There are three ways.


ZfcUser provides a View Helper (zfcUserIdentity) which you can use from any view script in your application.

<!-- Test if the User is connected -->
<?php IF(!$this->zfcUserIdentity()):?>
    <!-- display the login form -->
    <?php echo $this->zfcUserLoginWidget(array('redirect'=>'application')); ?>
<?php ELSE:?>
    <!-- display the 'display name' of the user -->
    <?php echo $this->zfcUserIdentity()->getDisplayname(); ?>
<?php ENDIF?>

You can also get user's fields (if the user is logged in), like email:

<?php echo $this->zfcUserIdentity()->getEmail(); ?>

The view helper may also return the Authentication Service :

<?php $authService = $this->zfcUserIdentity()->getAuthService(); ?>


ZfcUser provides a Controller Plugin (zfcUserAuthentication) which you can use from any controller in your application. You can check if the user is connected and get his data:

if ($this->zfcUserAuthentication()->hasIdentity()) {
    //get the email of the user
    echo $this->zfcUserAuthentication()->getIdentity()->getEmail();
    //get the user_id of the user
    echo $this->zfcUserAuthentication()->getIdentity()->getId();
    //get the username of the user
    echo $this->zfcUserAuthentication()->getIdentity()->getUsername();
    //get the display name of the user
    echo $this->zfcUserAuthentication()->getIdentity()->getDisplayname();

Service Manager

$sm = $app->getServiceManager();
$auth = $sm->get('zfcuser_auth_service');
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
    echo $auth->getIdentity()->getEmail();