Please refer to mongo_followable for latest version.
In console:
gem install mongoid_followable
or in Gemfile:
gem 'mongoid_followable', "~> 0.1.9"
To make model followable you need to include Mongoid::Followable into your document;Meanwhile, you also need to include Mongoid::Follower in your follower model:
class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Followable include Mongoid::Follower end class Group include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Followable end
Now you can set authorization:
current_user.set_authorization('user', 'game') # now current_user cannot follow User and Game model current_user.unset_authorization('User', 'Game')
And then you can follow a model:
@group = current_user.follow(@group) current_user.unfollow(@group)
You can also judge whether a model is a follower of another model or a model is a followee of another model:
current_user.follower_of?(@group) current_user.followee_of?(@group)
Moreover, it’s easy to get a model’s follower/followee count:
current_user.followers_count current_user.followees_count
Of course, you can get a list of followers/followees:
User.followers_of(@group) User.followees_of(@group) @group.all_followers @user.all_followees
Getting a model’s followers/followees by type is also possible:
@group.followers_by_type("user") @user.followees_by_type("group")
And their count:
@group.followers_by_type("user") @group.followers_count_by_type("user") @user.followees_by_type("group") @user.followees_count_by_type("group")
You can also get a model’s follow/followed history:
@user.ever_follow @group.ever_followed
Another feature is to get a list of models which has the most followers/followees:
User.with_max_followees User.with_min_followees User.with_max_followees_by_type('group') User.with_min_followees_by_type('group') Group.with_max_followers Group.with_min_followers Group.with_max_followers_by_type('user') Group.with_min_followers_by_type('user')
Now you can tell if two models have some common followers/followees by following methods:
@user.common_followees?(@another_user) @user.common_followers?(@group)
And see what the common followers/followees are:
@user.common_followees_with(@another_user) @user.common_followers_with(@group)
Any bug or issue, please send me an email: [email protected]
inter-models followable #FINISHED#
divide into two parts: followable(being followed) and follower(following others) #FINISHED#
following history/followed history #FINISHED#
most/least followed/following #FINISHED
add authorization to followable models #FINISHED#
common followers/followees #FINISHED#
add support for mongo_mapper in next version
!!If you have any advice, plese do not hesitate to tell me!!
Thanks the author(s) of acts_as_followable, you can find this gem here
Copyright © Jie Fan. See LICENSE.txt for further details.