I’m Viktor Lázár, a passionate full-stack developer. Currently, I'm focused on building and refining a React meta-framework using Vite, known as @lazarv/react-server
🔭 I’m currently working on @lazarv/react-server - the easiest way to build React apps with server-side rendering
🌱 I’m proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, C/C++, Go and Rust
🤔 I’m looking for help with @lazarv/react-server
💬 Ask me about full-stack development, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, WebAssembly, WebGL, game development and 3D
📫 How to reach me: X/Twitter dev.to
@lazarv/react-server - the easiest way to build React apps with server-side rendering
WAD Commander - a tool to load and play WAD files of DOOM® and DOOM II®.
HTML5 Wolfenstein 3D - HTML5 port of Wolfenstein 3D
Husband, father of 3, gamer, musician, retro ❤️