Borsh is a binary serializer for security-critical projects.
supports base58-encoded binary fields (Solana public keys as strings).
This library requires Elixir 1.11 or above.
Add borsh_serializer
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:borsh_serializer, "~> 1.0"},
# Add :b58 if you need :base58 data type support
{:b58, "~> 1.0.2"},
# Define struct and its borsh schema:
defmodule Person do
@moduledoc false
defstruct id: 0, name: nil, email: nil
def borsh_schema do
{:id, :u16},
{:name, :string},
{:wallet, {:base58, 32}}
person = %Person{id: 123, name: "John", wallet: "Hj1bMz4GZyRANWxBEzm6hh29Mk54f9YMh8mBiWy1PUXE"}
# Encode into binary
bindata = Borsh.encode(person)
# Decode from binary
{person, ""} = Borsh.decode(bindata, Person)
For a complex example, take a look at Metaplex Metadata schema I used for tests.
To define a schema, you must implement borsh_schema/0
method, which returns a list of field definitions.
Each field definition is a tuple {:field_name, :field_type}
Supported data types with examples:
# Unsigned integers
:u8, :u16, :u32, :u64, :u128
# Examples:
{:age, :u8}
{:counter, :u128}
# Signed integers
:i8, :i16, :i32, :i64, :i128
# Example:
{:amount, :i32}
# Float numbers
:f32, :f64
# Example:
{:temp, :f32}
# String type:
# Example:
{:username, :string}
# Enum values are encoded as u8 and are zero-indexed
{:enum, values}
# Example:
{:color, {:enum, ["red", "green", "blue"]}}
# Fixed size array
{:array, item_type, array_size}
# Example:
{:numbers, {:array, :u32, 5}}
# Dynamic size array
{:array, :item_type}
# Example:
{:tags, {:array, :string}}
# Optional fields
{:option, field_definition}
# Examples:
{:username, {:option, :string}}
{:tags, {:option, {:array, :string}}}
# Embedded Structs
{:struct, module}
# Examples:
{:user, {:struct, MyUserStructModule}}
# Binary Data
{:binary, byte_size}, {:base64, byte_size}, {:base58, byte_size}
# Examples:
{:rawdata, {:binary, 256}}
{:pubkey, {:base58, 32}}