This LCC--derived compiler and C library targets the Gigatron VCPU. It keeps many of the ideas of the previous attempt to port LCC to the Gigatron (pgavlin's). For instance it outputs assembly code that can be parsed by Python and it features a linker writen in Python that can directly read these files. It also differs in important ways. For instance the code generator is fundamentally different.
This project provides a complete toolchain and C library for ANSI C 1989.
Some useful things to know:
are 16 bits long. Typelong
is 32 bits long. Typesfloat
are 40 bits long, using the Microsoft Basic floating point format. Both long arithmetic or floating point arithmetic incur a substantial speed penalty, vastly improved with the dev7 rom. -
is unsigned by default. This is more efficient because the C language always promoteschar
values intoint
values to perform arithmetic. Promoting a signed byte involves a clumsy sign extension. Promoting an unsigned byte comes for free with most VCPU opcodes. If you really want signed chars, usesigned char
or maybe use the compiler option-Wf-unsigned_char=0
. This is not recommended. -
The nonstandard type qualifier
can be used to indicate that the data lives in page zero. This allows the compiler to generate more compact code and tells the linker to place such variables in page zero. The nonstandard type qualifier__far
is also recognized but currently inoperative. It will eventually indicate that the data lives in banked memory. -
The traditional C standard library offers feature rich functions like
. These functions are present but their default implementation requires a lot of space. Using option--option=PRINTF_SIMPLE
selects code that only recognizes a common subset of the printf formatting strings. See the include file<gigatron/printf.h>
. Alternatively one can instead call lower level functions that either are standard likefputs()
or non standard functions such asitoa()
whose prototypes are provided by<gigatron/libc.h>
. -
Alternatively one can completely bypass stdio and use the low-level console functions whose prototypes are provided in
. The functioncprintf()
has all the formatting abilities ofprintf
but saves memory by bypassing standard io and printing to the console. The functionmidcprintf
further saves space by only recognizing a subset of the printf format strings. -
The include file
provides declarations to access the gigatron hardware and wrappers to call native SYS routines. -
Many parts of the main library can be overriden to provide special functionalities. For instance the console has the usual 15x26 characters, but this can be changed by linking with a library that redefines what is in
. This is what happens when one uses argument-map=conx
to save memory with a 10x26 console. Another more important example is the standard i/o library. By default it is only connected to the console andfopen()
always fail. But one just has to redefine a few functions to change that. This is one happens when one compiles with-map=sim
which forwards all the stdio calls to the emulator. Note that such binaries only run in the command line gigatron emulatorgtsim
because they attempt to communicate withgtsim
to forward the stdio calls. -
Over time the linker
has accumulated a lot of capabilites. It supports common symbols, weak symbols, and conditional imports. It can synthetize magic lists such as a list of initialization functions that are called before main, a list of data segments to be cleared before running main, a list of memory segments that can be used as heap bymalloc()
, or a list of finalization functions called when the program exits. Usingglink -h
provides some help. Usingglink --info
provides help for specific memory maps. But the more advanced functions are documented by comments in the source or comments in the library source files that use them...
You can build GLCC from source using two methods.
The first method relies on the traditional
command using the usual Posix command line utilities. This is the method used for development and therefore is the recommended method for Linux machines or Macs. It can also be used on Windows when compiling withcygwin
( ormingw64/msys2
( -
The second method relies on
( and supports many different toolchains such as Microsoft Visual Studio, etc.
Because the primary GLCC development platform is Linux.
building gigatron-lcc
with make on a Unix platform
should be very easy provided that a C compiler, bison,
gnu-make >= 4.0, and python >= 3.8 are installed.
Simply type:
$ git clone
$ cd gigatron-lcc
$ make
Then you can either invoke the compiler from its build location ./build/glcc
install it into your system with command
$ make PREFIX=/usr/local install
where variable PREFIX
indicates where the compiler should be installed.
This command copies the compiler files into ${PREFIX}/lib/gigatron-lcc/
and symlinks the compiler driver glcc
, the linker driver glink
and the simulator gtsim
into ${PREFIX}/bin
. All the other files are located under
. Note that this directory can be relocated
elsewhere in the system as long as its contents is preserved.
You just need to either invoke glcc
using the full path of
the gigatron-lcc
directory. Alternatively you can place symbolic links
to these files somewhere in the executable search path.
There is also
$ make test
to run the current test suite.
The prerequisites are python >= 3.8 and cmake >= 3.16.
In order to compile with cmake, you must first create a build directory and invoke CMake from that build directory. For instance, on a Unix machine,
$ git clone
$ cd gigatron-lcc
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
This operation creates a Makefile in the build directory.
You can then compile with make
$ make
Then you can either invoke the compiler from its build location ./glcc
install it into your system with command
$ cmake --install . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
is the directory where glcc
should be installed. Note that this directory can be relocated
elsewhere as long as the relative position of the glcc files
is preserved.
Thanks to the feedback of axelb, you can use the make
to compile gigatron-lcc under cygwin. For this, you must first
install cygwin >= 3.2 from, make sure to
select the packages gcc-core
, make
, bison
, git
, and python3
then issue the make
, make install
, or make test
command from the cygwin shell.
The main drawback of building gigatron-lcc
under cygwin is
that you have to execute it from the cygwin shell as well since
it depends on the cygwin infrastructure.
For this, you need a native version of Python ( It is also highly recommended to install Git-for-Windows ( and a version of GNU make for windows, for instance using Chocolatey (
A first option is to use the mingw64 compiler ( This compiler comes in various guises. After a bit of experimentation, the recommended approach is to download the 32 bits version of Git for Windows SDK. This is certainly an overkill, but a very reliable one. You can then start the Git for Windows SDK shell, clone the Gigatron LCC repository, and use the
method discussed above. A precompiled version with installation and usage instructions can be found in the forum post -
A second option is to use the CMake approach with any supported toolchain. For this you need to create a build directory and run the CMake program to generate project files. Please follow the instructions that come with CMake to select the proper toolchain, compile the project, and optionally set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and trigger the installation target.
Both options create a bin
directory with Window batch files, e.g
, etc., that can be used to invoke GLCC from the DOS command
line, from PowerShell, or from the Git Bash. These batch files rely on
the py
launcher that is installed by default with recent versions of
Python for windows. Just add this directory to the executable search
path, e.g. PATH=/c/glcc/bin;%PATH%
at the DOS command line or
at the Git Bash command line. T
Besides the options listed in the lcc manual page,
the compiler driver glcc
recognizes a few Gigatron-specific options.
Additional options recognized by the assembler/linker glink
are documented by typing glink -h
is passed to the linked and helps selecting the vCPU version and the runtime code that sometimes relies on SYS functions implemented by the indicated rom version. Rom names are described in fileroms.json
. The default isv6
. -
indicates which VCPU version should be targeted. Version 5 adds the instructionsCALLI
that came with ROMv5a. Version 6, which comes with ROMvX0, is not a strict supersed of version 6 because it changes the encodings of CMPHS/CMPHU. Version 7, which comes with DEV7ROM is a strict superset of version 5. Version 6 and 7 are mutually incompatible. GLCC offers primary support for version 7 but can generate version 6 encodings for some of its instructions. The default CPU is the one implemented by the selected ROM. -
is also passed to the linker and specifya memory layout for the generated code. The default map,32k
uses all little bits of memory available on a 32KB Gigatron, starting with the video memory holes[0x?a0-0x?ff]
, the low memory[0x200-0x6ff]
. There is also a64k
map, a128k
map, and aconx
map which uses a reduced console to save memory. Additional information about each map can be displayed by using option-info
as inglcc -map=sim -info
Maps can also manipulate the linker arguments, insert libraries, and define the initialization function that checks the rom type and the ram configuration. For instance, map
produces gt1 files that only run in the emulatorgtsim
, redirectingprintf
and all standard i/o functions to the emulator itself. This is my main debugging tool.
$ ./build/glcc -map=sim tst/8q.c
tst/8q.c:30: warning: missing return value
tst/8q.c:37: warning: implicit declaration of function `printf'
tst/8q.c:39: warning: missing return value
$ ./build/gtsim -rom gigatron/roms/dev.rom a.gt1
1 5 8 6 3 7 2 4
1 6 8 3 7 4 2 5
1 7 4 6 8 2 5 3
1 7 5 8 2 4 6 3
2 4 6 8 3 1 7 5
2 5 7 1 3 8 6 4
2 5 7 4 1 8 6 3
2 6 1 7 4 8 3 5
2 6 8 3 1 4 7 5
2 7 3 6 8 5 1 4
2 7 5 8 1 4 6 3
2 8 6 1 3 5 7 4
I found this program when studying the previous incarnation
of LCC for the Gigatron, with old forums posts where Marcel
mentionned it as a "stretch goal" for the compiler. The main
issue is that MSCP takes about 25KB of code and 25KB of data
meaning that we need to use the video memory. My main change
was to reduce the size of the opening book,
but this is not enough. One could think about using
the 128KB memory extention but this will require a lot
of changes to the code. In the mean time. we can
run it with the gtsim
emulator which has no screen
but can forward stdio.
$ cp stuff/mscp/mscp0.c .
$ cp stuff/mscp/book.txt .
# Using map sim with overlay allout commits all the memory
$ ./build/glcc -map=sim,allout mscp0.c -o mscp0.gt1
Now we can run it. Option -f in gtsim
allows mscp to
open and read the opening book file book.txt
Be patient...
$ ./build/gtsim -f -rom gigatron/roms/v6.rom mscp0.gt1
This is MSCP 1.4 (Marcel's Simple Chess Program)
Copyright (C)1998-2003 Marcel van Kervinck
This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
(See file COPYING or for details.)
Type 'help' for a list of commands
8 r n b q k b n r
7 p p p p p p p p
6 - - - - - - - -
5 - - - - - - - -
4 - - - - - - - -
3 - - - - - - - -
2 P P P P P P P P
1 R N B Q K B N R
a b c d e f g h
1. White to move. KQkq
Now you can type both
to make it play against itself...
mscp> both
book: (88)e4
1. ... e2e4
8 r n b q k b n r
7 p p p p p p p p
6 - - - - - - - -
5 - - - - - - - -
4 - - - - P - - -
3 - - - - - - - -
2 P P P P - P P P
1 R N B Q K B N R
a b c d e f g h
1. Black to move. KQkq
book: (88)c5
1. ... c7c5
8 r n b q k b n r
7 p p - p p p p p
This slows down a lot when we leave the opening book. But it plays!
The code generator uses several blocks of page zero variables. The linker knows the page zero usage of each rom and keeps track of all free and used page zero locations.
The most important block of page zero variables contains 24 general purpose word registers named
. This block is can be manually displaced using the command line option--register-base=0x90
for instance. Register pairs namedL0
can hold longs. Register triplets namedF0
can hold floats. RegistersR0
are callee-saved and are often used for local variables. RegistersR8
are used to pass arguments to functions. RegistersR15
are used for temporaries. -
The compiler makes use of additional locations. The word registers
, the long accumulatorLAC
, the accumulator extension byteLAX
, the floating point sign and exponent bytesFAS
, and the stack pointerSP
are allocated in the upper half of page zero. ROMs that provide suitable native support may dictate the location some of these registers. The compiler uses the namesT0
to refer to the first two words of thesysArgs
array. The library also uses the namesT4
for the remaining two words of thesysArgs
array. Care is needed because these locations are also often used by SYS calls or by the new opcodes implemented in recent roms. -
Since the DEV7 rom offers a true 16 bits stack pointer, GLCC-2.0 makes
equal tovSP
, allowing the use of efficient opcodes to access non-register local variables.
The function prologue first saves vLR
and constructs a stack frame
by adjusting SP
. It then saves the callee-saved registers onto the
stack. Nonleaf functions save 'vLR' in the stack frame and copy the
argument passed in a registers to their final location. In contrast,
leaf functions keep arguments passed in registers where they are
because these registers are no longer needed for further calls. In
the same vein, nonleaf functions allocate callee-saved registers for
local variables, whereas leaf functions use callee-saved registers in
last resort, often avoiding the construction of a stack-frame.
Leaf functions that do not need to allocate space on the
stack can use a register to save VLR and become entirely frameless.
Sometimes one can help this by using register
when declaring local
variables. Saving vLR
allows us to use CALLI
as a long jump
without fearing to erase the function return address.
This is especially useful when one needs to hop over page boundaries.
The VCPU accumulator vAC
is not treated by the compiler as a normal
register because there is essentially nothing the VCPU can do once the
accumulator is allocated to represent a particular variable or a temporary.
This would force the compiler to spill its content to a stack location
in ways that not only produce less efficient code, but often result
in an infinite loop because the spilling code must itself use vAC
Instead, the GLCC code generator produces VCPU instructions in bursts
that are packed on a single line of the generated assembly code.
Each burst is in fact what LCC calls one instruction. Bursts are
produced by subverting the mechanisms defined by LCC to construct
various parts of a typical CPU instruction such as the mnemonic,
the address mode, etc. The VCPU accumulator vAC
is treated as a scratch
register inside a burst. Meanwhile LCC allocates zero page registers
to pass data across bursts. This approach avoid the spilling problems
but sometimes needs improving because it does not keep track
of what data is left on the accumulator after each burst.
This has been improved by a preralloc
pass that tries to eliminate
temporaries that can be passed through vAC, and by a state machine
in the instruction emitter which conservatively maintains assertions
about register or accumulator equality which can be used to
simplify the code.
The compiler produces a python file that first define a function for each
code or data fragment. The file then constructs a module that
holds a list of all the fragments, as well as all the imported and
exported symbols. The linker/assembler glink
can read such files
or can read a library file that is merely the concatenation
of individual modules. Each fragment is represented as a function
that calls predefined functions whose uppercase name mirrors the name
of the instruction they emit. Additional functions implement synthetic
opcodes that can be implemented differently by different VCPU versions.
More predefined functions are used to define labels or control
when to check for a page boundary. The source of truth for
all this is the file
The linker collects all the code and data fragments generated by the compiler.
It then analyzes import and exports to determine which ones should be
kept. It tries hard to place short functions into single segments in order
to avoid costly hops. Then it iterates until all symbols are resolved and
all symbol value dependent code is stabilized. Finally it produces a
familar GT1