##Hack Shanghai Project Our website serves as a joint dictionary and flash card generator. After a year of studying Mandarin, we noticed that while many sites served as translators or flash-card generators, none combined the two. Through combining these two elements, we hope to facilitate the learning of Chinese for English-speakers. In addition, learning Chinese is a 4 step process: traditional characters, simplified characters, pinyin, English translation. Flash-cards in their nature only have two sides, making it difficult to learn a language with over two forms of writing per word. Our four-section 'card-house' enables the user to learn the four components of every word. Each layer of our 'card-house' corresponds to one of the four elements (simplified, traditional, pinyin, English), helping visual learners memorize their vocabulary words.
- Clone this repo
- Install Pip
sudo pip install virtualenv && . venv/bin/activate
pip install flask && pip install flask-login
- Either set up your own config.py or email me at mailto:[email protected] and ask for my setup
- You should be ready to go. Because we use SQLite, you do not need to run a database server.