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Daemon docstring formatting

Alex Grin edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 5 revisions

All the docstrings for the jsonrpc commands must adhere to this format so they can be parsed by the scripts which generate the documentation. The script is here if you want to make changes.

There are examples below for those who learn best that way, or who like copy-pasting.

Please note that the colons(:) are important.

First Line

The first line after the """ in the docstring is a short description of what the function does.

Subheading Usage:

It should start with the word "Usage:", then in the next line list out the command name, then the arguments(as prescribed by docopts library). It is of the following format

    command_name (<required_args>) [<optional_arg1> | --optional_arg1=<optional_arg1>]
                 [<optional_arg2> | --optional_arg2=<optional_arg2>]

Subheading Options:

It should start with the word "Options:", then in the next line

  1. If there are no arguments just write "None"
  2. Otherwise list out the command name followed by two dashes --, then ":", after that type of argument in parenthesis (type) and short description of the argument after a blank space. Please list out all of the arguments be it required, optional or Boolean as it is required by the api. It is of the following format

    --bool_arg                        : (bool) short description
    --required_arg=<required_arg>     : (type) short description
    --optional_arg1=<optional_arg1>   : (type) short description
    --optional_arg2=<optional_arg2>   : (type) short description
                                  (Note: this ^ blank space is important) 

Subheading Returns:

It should start with the word "Returns:", then from the next line list out the response signature that the command return. It is of the following format

    Response signature, it may be a list, dict, Boolean etc.

Example 1

Get blob availability

    blob_availability (<blob_hash>) [<search_timeout> | --search_timeout=<search_timeout>]
                      [<blob_timeout> | --blob_timeout=<blob_timeout>]

    --blob_hash=<blob_hash>           : (str) check availability for this blob hash
    --search_timeout=<search_timeout> : (int) how long to search for peers for the blob
                                        in the dht
    --blob_timeout=<blob_timeout>     : (int) how long to try downloading from a peer

    (dict) {
        "is_available": <bool, true if blob is available from a peer from peer list>
        "reachable_peers": ["<ip>:<port>"],
        "unreachable_peers": ["<ip>:<port>"]

Example 2

Get DHT routing information



    (dict) dictionary containing routing and contact information
        "buckets": {
            <bucket index>: [
                    "address": (str) peer address,
                    "node_id": (str) peer node id,
                    "blobs": (list) blob hashes announced by peer
        "contacts": (list) contact node ids,
        "blob_hashes": (list) all of the blob hashes stored by peers in the list of buckets,
        "node_id": (str) the local dht node id