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Edward J. Kim edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 9 revisions


Q: When I use the url, the connection times out and my browser displays webpage is not available. connection timed out.

A: To access this system, you must be on the University network. If you wish to work off campus, you must first VPN into campus.

Q: The terminal doesn't start when I click New -> Terminal.

A: Force reload your browser, or select Running -> >_ terminals/1 on the main page.

Q: I get a 503: Proxy Target Missing error when I click on My Server on JupyterHub.

A: If you have registered late for the course, email the server administrator (Edward). If you were able to log in before and see this error, you probably didn't close your browser after a session and let the server sit idle for a while. After each session, it's a good idea to stop your server from Control Panel and/or close your browser.

If you are able to access control panel, try restarting the server by clicking Stop My Server and then My Server and see if your server appears. If that doesn't solve the problem, close your browser completely and restart your browser (or use the incognito mode on Chrome broswers). If the problem persists, email the server admin. Please state clearly in the email if you let your session expire, what the error message was, etc.


Q: When I click on a video, it says access denied. Can you give me access?

A: Videos are hosted on media space, and we (the instructional staff) do not control students' access to media space. Please contact Illinois Media Space Help.

Q: I watched a video in week <insert week number>, but Moodle shows 0 points. Can you correct this?

A: Videos are hosted on media space, and media space tracks your viewing. Instructors simply download the viewing history from media space, so if you believe there is an error, please contact Illinois Media Space Help.


Q: Should I use Python 2 or Python 3?

A: We will be using Python 3 in this course.

When creating a new notebook on IPython/Jupyter server, make sure that you choose Python 3 in the dropdown menu that appears when you click New.