SmarPer: Context-Aware and Automatic Runtime-Permissions for Mobile Devices
Smart Permissions (SmarPer) is an advanced-permission mechanism for Android, with support for finer-grained permissions, context-awareness and multiple decision-levels. In addition, to help users manage permissions more efficiently and reduce permission fatigue, SmarPer provides (semi-) automatic decisions. In doing so, we will provide users with smarter controls for protecting their private information, with a lower overhead for users. We provide the source code for the SmarPer prototype in Android and the Machine Learning framework used in the SmarPer project.
This project is organized as follows:
: SmarPer prototype in Android, based on XPrivacy.ML/
: Machine Learning framework for carefully training and comparing different context-aware models that predict permission decisions.
For more details about the SmarPer project, refer to the research paper and the SmarPer website.
The research behind the SmarPer Project was published in the following paper:
- [1] Katarzyna Olejnik, Italo Dacosta, Joana Soares Machado, Kévin Huguenin, Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Jean-Pierre Hubaux. SmarPer: Context-Aware and Automatic Runtime-Permissions for Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), San Jose, CA, United States, May 2017.
SmarPer and XPrivacy are released under the GPLv3 License.
The GPML toolbox code is released under the FreeBSD License.
The SmarPer project is part of the research effort of the LCA1 lab, EPFL. Feel free to contact us ([email protected]).
Project members:
- Kasia Olejnik
- Italo Dacosta
- Joana Soares Machado
- Kevin Huguenin
- Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan
- Jean-Pierre Hubaux