Last build: dataExplorer.user.js
- List of loaded portal, link and field entities.
- Details of a portal/link/field entity
- own properties
- lists of portals/links/fields related to the selected entity
- list of tiles that contains the entity and highlight those tiles (keep track of tiles loaded in the last 5min)
- highlight S2 cells IITC-CE/wiki/Intel-Data#tiles
- link: cells of relevant level (wtr to the link length)
- tiles: cells that match tile level and tile content
- List of a tile (intel) content
The link is about 3401km long. The relevant S2 level is 4. Any 4-level S2 cells containing the link is highlighted.
After scrolling the map at level 4,5 and 7, all tiles of level 4/5/7 that contain the link data are highlighted and match (almost, look closely) the frontier of the set of S2 cells. In other word, any tile that intersects the S2 cells contains the link data.
Install the dependencies...
npm install
then build
npm run dev
# or
npm run build
This is a project from the template for Svelte apps. It lives at