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Mikael Lövqvist edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 3 revisions


  • 15 PWM channels, 12 bit @ 5.5 kHz refresh rate
  • Can control 5 RGB emitters


It's output state is 15 integers that can go up to 4095.

The lamp in the photograph for instance uses the following mapping:

G2 B2 R1 R3 G3 G1 B3 R2 B1 R5 G4 R4 B4 G5 B5

When describing the 5strip it is good if this mapping can be edited (it could be stored as 5 RGB structures where R, G and B each refers to a PWM channel between 0 and 14)

Initially we want to just control a static light so the data structure would be the 5 RGB structures that belong to the one luminary (the 5strip) and those RGB structures (the state, not the mapping) should be described by three floating point values for Red, Green and Blue. These values should be between 0.0 and 1.0.


The mapping is a configuration item and should be decoupled a bit from the state of the lamp. If we control many lamps they may share the same mapping but they may have different states.

As an example, here is part of a python program used in a headless interface for 5strip:

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