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Proxy-based function hooks and AOP library for node.js. It allows you to extend/provide customized QoS handler and apply these QoS features via typescript decorators(metadata-programming-like syntax) without invasiveness to existing code logic, which increase modularity for your application.

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tsnode-proxify is a proxy-based method hook and AOP library for node.js with typescript. It allows you to implement a QoS handler and apply these QoS features via typescript decorators(metadata-programming-like syntax) around the business logic code without invasiveness, which increase modularity for your application.

tsnode-proxify depends on typescript decorator feature which is marked as experimental feature in typescript. In the meanwhile, tsnode-proxify is a beta edition for now.


Before we jump into the tsnode-proxify, let's take one step back to take a look at what problems could be resolved by proxy pattern and AOP, why it is so important in JEE platform.

Proxy pattern

The proxy is a well-used design pattern. We can see it in either high level software architecture design, e.g: api-gateway and service mesh in microservices, or a narrow-down specific programming module. Generally speaking, the proxy pattern provides the capablity to implement a contract interface, but adds special functionality on-the-fly behind the sense.


Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP) addresses the problem of cross-cutting concerns. It is a complement to Object-Oriented-Programming(OOP). Not like OOP, which provide class as an key unit of modularity, AOP focus on aspect as it's unit of modularity, the aspect extract and modularization the code which cut across multiple classes/components for the same concern solution in a system. Such concerns are often termed cross-cutting concerns in AOP literature. In a real-life system, the typical cross-cutting concerns includes logging, security, transaction management, caching, validation, etc. Providing AOP capability is important to increase modularity, and normally be a fundamental feature in a middleware platform.

AOP in Java

AOP is really popular in java. In a JEE server runtime, the transaction, security are noramlly provided as AOP aspects under the hood. In SOA, the SCA runtime(e.g: Tuscany) also heavily depends on the AOP to provide QoS, IT-Specific features around the business logic. In Spring, the AOP is actually delivered as a base component in fundamental layer and open to upper stack. Indeed, per my experiences on JEE server development, AOP provides an excellent solution for the problems in enterprise application field to increase modularity and make the system more loose-coupled, especially in the middleware product development.

Implementing an AOP framework to advise method execution, the proxy pattern is perfect fit here. The aspect module code can be abstracted, prepared and injected at the before and after join points of the method and also be able to recieve the execution context, arguments and output(or fault) to the target operation like it was there. That is reason we usually see the proxy pattern in an AOP framework. In a pure java world, some typical approaches to achieve this:

  • Weave(static-way)
    • Compile-time weaving(e.g: using AspectJ compiler, which can provide complete AOP implementation)
    • Load-time weaving(e.g: AspectJ LTW, which depends on the JVM option -javaagent, provide complete AOP implementation)
  • JDK Proxy(dynamical-way, for java interface and method execution join point only)
  • CGlib Proxy(dynamical-way, adopt to both class and interface, method execution join point only, but need the proxied method to be public)

In a pure java world, using dynamical proxy way for AOP implementation, it usually be used in conjunction with a IoC container, which can take over the responsibility of proxy instance construction and injection. Hide these implementation details and provide a clean/easy-to-use programming model to developer.


As mentioned above, the AOP framework can bring us so many benefits to improve the software modularity. Inspired by JEE experiences, I believe it would be helpful if we have similar framework in node.js. That is reason I come across to tsnode-proxify project. The goal of tsnode-proxify is NOT to provide a complete AOP implementation, it primarily focus on method execution join point for the moment, will consider some IoC features to enable the property injection of proxied object in next step.


Some concepts/terminologies to clarify before go further to understand the features provided by tsnode-proxify.

  1. Interaction style for a method call in node.js

    • Sync: The method completion should be the same time point as method invocation being returned.
    greet(name: string): string {
      return 'Hello, ' + name;
    • Async: The method completion will be done in a future certain time point after the moment of method invocation being returned.
    greet(name: string, cb: Function): void{
      setTimeout(function() {
        let reval = 'Hello, ' + name;
        cb(null, reval);
      }, 10); 
  2. Completion hints: invocation completion hint is the concept relevant to how tsnode-proxify runtime understand the after join point of a method. Because node.js is async-native, tsnode-proxify need the hints to identify the moment of method execution done logically.

    • returned-directly: target method getting returned (of course, this is for sync style method only)

    • callback: the callback method getting called (adopt to both sync and async style method)

    • promise: the returned promise's status change from pending to resolved or rejected (for async method with promise as return value only)

  3. tsnode-proxify can support below combinations with before and/or after advise join points

    • sync-return

    • sync-callback

    • async-callback

    • async-promise(suitable to async/await usage)

tsnode-proxify support the method siganture defining both callback parameter AND promise typed return value. If both callback parameter and returned promise are satisfied for an invocation, the async-callback way will take preference. However, I strongly suggest a method keep a clear style/behavior, that means, for the invocation, if a callback parameter is presented, the return value should be null, or a valid promise get returned, the callback parameter should absence for that invocation.

tsnode-proxify enable the aspect modularity to be implemented as an Interceptor class(declared by @Interceptor decorator) for a specific QoS intention, which can be dynamically injected into the join-point if a desired @QoS declaration being claimed on the target method.

  "interactionStyle": InteractionStyleType.SYNC
  class NoopInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor{
  constructor(config: any) {
  // called before get into before and after advise
  public canProcess(context: InvocationContext, callback: canProcessCallbackFn): void {
  	callback(null, true);	
  // being called at before advise
  public handleRequest(context: InvocationContext, done: doneFn): void {
  // being called at after advise with output
  public handleResponse(context: InvocationContext, done: doneFn): void {
  // being called at after advise with fault 
  public handleFault(context: InvocationContext, done: doneFn): void {
  public getName(): string {
  	return 'NoopInterceptor';	

Notable, If the target method is sync interaction style(especially, expected a synchronous return value), all of interceptors applied to that method should also be sync interaction style.

Quick Start

  • Prerequsites
    • node.js
    • typescript toolkits(including tsc and ts-node command)
    • Q based promise, will support native promise soon.

If you don't want to following this step-by-step guide to complete the helloworld sample, you can download the sample from link for a quick start

  • Create your package folder e,g: named hello-tsnode-proxify

    mkdir hello-tsnode-proxify
    cd hello-tsnode-proxify
    mkdir src
    git init
    echo "# My first sample for tsnode-proxify" >>
    git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"
  • Create package.json

    npm init -y 
    echo "node_modules" >> .gitignore
    echo "dist" >> .gitignore
    echo "package-lock.json" >> .gitignore
    npm install --save-dev typescript
    npm install --save tsnode-proxify
  • Create tsconfig.json

      "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "declaration": true,
        "outDir": "./dist",
        "experimentalDecorators": true
      "include": ["src"],
      "exclude": ["node_modules"]
  • Add scripts to package.json

    "build": "tsc",
    "start": "node dist/helloworld.js",
    "main": "dist/helloworld.js"
  • Create a logger interceptor in file src/logger.ts as below:

    To create a interceptor which encapsulate an cross-cutting concern solution, you just need to implement a class, which has:

    • @Interceptor decorator: declare a class to be registried as interceptor in tsnode-proxify runtime
    • Extend the AbastractInterceptor base class, and implement the methods.
    import {
    } from 'tsnode-proxify';
      interactionStyle: InteractionStyleType.SYNC,
    export class Logger extends AbstractInterceptor {
      private LOG_PREFIX: string = '[logger] ';
      constructor(config: any) {
      private getTargetFullName(context: InvocationContext): string {
        let targetFullName = context.getClassName() + '.' + context.getOperationName();
        return targetFullName;
      public init(context: InvocationContext, done: doneFn): void {
        console.log(this.LOG_PREFIX + '<init> ');
      public handleRequest(context: InvocationContext, done: doneFn): void {
          this.LOG_PREFIX +
            '<request> ' +
            this.getTargetFullName(context) +
            '; [input]: "' +
            context.input +
            '"; [timestamp]: ' +
            new Date().getTime(),
      public handleResponse(context: InvocationContext, done: doneFn): void {
          this.LOG_PREFIX +
            '<response> ' +
            this.getTargetFullName(context) +
            '; [output]: "' +
            context.output +
            '"; [timestamp]: ' +
            new Date().getTime(),
      public handleFault(context: InvocationContext, done: doneFn): void {
          this.LOG_PREFIX +
            '<fault> ' +
            this.getTargetFullName(context) +
            '; [fault]: ' +
            context.fault +
            '; [timestamp]: ' +
            new Date().getTime(),
      public canProcess(context: InvocationContext, callback: canProcessCallbackFn): void {
        callback(null, true);
      public getName(): string {
        return 'Logger';
  • Create a component in file src/helloworld.ts as below:

    As you see beow, to "declare" a class to be a component managed, we just need to apply a couple of decorators to it, there is no other differences than a normal class definition.

    • @Component decorator: declare a class to be managed as a component in tsnode-proxify
    • @QoS decorator: declare a method to be proxify and provide before and after advises
    import {
    } from 'tsnode-proxify';
    import { Logger } from './logger';
    class Hello {
      constructor() {}
      @QoS({ interceptorType: Logger })
      greet(name: string): string {
        console.log('[greet]    ==> I am saying hello to', name);
        return 'Hello, ' + name;
    // =====================
    //    main
    // ====================
    let hello: Hello = new Hello();
    console.log('[result]: "' + hello.greet('World') + '"');
  • Run the helloworld sample

    npm run build
    npm run start
  • The output result with aspect logger feature:

    > [email protected] start /home/lizh/tmp/hello-tsnode-proxify
    > node dist/helloworld.js
    [logger] <init> 
    [logger] <request> Hello.greet; [input]: "World"; [timestamp]: 1541054935419
    [greet]    ==> I am saying hello to World
    [logger] <response> Hello.greet; [output]: "Hello, World"; [timestamp]: 1541054935420
    [result]: "Hello, World"

Notable, to keep the helloworld sample as simple as possible, it only contain a sync-return style method with a sync-interceptor. If you want to try with promise or callback completion hints invocation or any other advanced usages(e.g: async/await, multiple interceptors, interceptor slot context, recursive callback stack, etc), please refer to unit test cases for more details.

Run Unit Tests

You can run the integration tests to get a full picture of what features has been supported by tsnode-proxify so far.

npm run test

> mocha --compilers ts:ts-node/register,tsx:ts-node/register ./test/**/*test.ts


Integration Tests
  ✓ @QoS on static sync-return method with sync-interceptor
  ✓ @QoS on sync-return method with sync-interceptor
  ✓ @QoS on sync-callback method with sync-interceptor
  ✓ @QoS on async-promise method with sync-interceptor (102ms)
  ✓ @QoS on async-promise method with async-interceptor (102ms)
  ✓ @QoS on async-callback method with sync-interceptor (101ms)
  ✓ @QoS on async-callback method with async-interceptor (252ms)
  ✓ @QoS on sync-callback method which being invoked recursively with a pass-through callback function handler
  ✓ @QoS on a method with recursive invocations, QoSed method is triggered by "this" reference
  ✓ @QoS on sync-return bind()ed method
  ✓ Validation: async style interceptor can NOT be applied to sync style target method
  ✓ Validation: conflict/dumplicated interceptor names
  ✓ @QoS on async/await method with sync interceptor
  ✓ @QoS on async/await method with async interceptor

Join us

If you are interested in this project, please feel free to let me know, any bug-report/comments/suggestions/contribution on this project is appreciated. :-)


Proxy-based function hooks and AOP library for node.js. It allows you to extend/provide customized QoS handler and apply these QoS features via typescript decorators(metadata-programming-like syntax) without invasiveness to existing code logic, which increase modularity for your application.






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