A repository for Kustomize manifests for Kubeflow on IBM Power Platform (ppc64le).
Rocket AI Hub is an MLOps Platform Optimized for IBM Power platform. It is an enterprise support Offering for Open-Source project located at https://www.kubeflow.org/. It is Machine Learning Toolkit tailored and optimized for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power. For more details check out https://rocketsoftware.github.io/rocketaihub/
These manifests base on the official Kubeflow manifests.
- Red Hat OpenShift v4.5-v4.13 on ppc64le
- Vanilla Kubernetes v1.17-v1.26 on ppc64le
Please select appropriate tag:
- v1.8.0 (main)
- v1.7.0
- v1.6.0
- v1.5.0
- v1.4.1
- v1.3.0
Ensure that your kube-apiserver
is initialized with settings for certificates to work, e.g.:
service-account-issuer: kubernetes.default.svc,
service-account-signing-key-file: /etc/kubernetes/ssl/sa.key
Note that applying these settings depends on how you install the k8s cluster (e.g., kubeadmin/kubespray/minikube). Also the path for the signing key file may be different for you.
When initializing a cluster with minikube, these parameters may do the trick:
minikube start
In Kubespray, modify kube_kubeadm_apiserver_extra_args
, e.g., like so:
cat << EOF >> roles/kubernetes/master/defaults/main/main.yml
kube_kubeadm_apiserver_extra_args: {
service-account-issuer: kubernetes.default.svc,
service-account-signing-key-file: /etc/kubernetes/ssl/sa.key
See: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx-service-mesh/get-started/kubernetes-platform/kubeadm/ for initializing or patching your existing cluster.
# select [main|v1.8.0|v1.7.0|v1.6.0|v1.5.0|v1.4.1|v1.3.0]
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lehrig/kubeflow-ppc64le-manifests/${KUBEFLOW_VERSION}/install_kubeflow.sh
source install_kubeflow.sh
# select [main|v1.8.0|v1.7.0|v1.6.0|v1.5.0|v1.4.1|v1.3.0]
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lehrig/kubeflow-ppc64le-manifests/${KUBEFLOW_VERSION}/uninstall_kubeflow.sh
source uninstall_kubeflow.sh
- Get relevant image updates from official Kubeflow manifests:
kustomize build example | yq eval '.. | select(has("image")) | ."image"'
- Update these files accordingly:
- base/kustomization.yaml
- overlays/k8s/kustomization.yaml
- overlays/openshift/kustomization.yaml
- Manually update:
- base/rewire-images-in-katib-config.yaml
- base/pipeline-params.env
- base/workflow-controller-deployment-patch.yaml
- base/rewire-inference-cm.yaml
- overlays/k8s/rewire-istio-images.yaml