A mod providing screen reader support for Slay the Spire.
AutoHotkey script to temporarily lock your keyboard.
An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
UniversalSpeech ibrary: make popular screen readers speak in your application
This project is aimed at developing and maintaining the NVDA IBMTTS driver. IBMTTS is a synthesizer similar to Eloquence. Please send your ideas and contributions here!
NVDA add-on that provides descriptions for controls and images, powered by pioneering large language models.
NVDA, the free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows
Multiplatform NVDA Remote Relay server implementation
VirtualDesktop is a Powershell module that provides commandlets to manage virtual desktops of Windows 10.
TWBlue, an accessible, open source and multiplatform twitter application.
A Discord bot that streams audio from a local device to a voice channel.
Scripts which make Pokémon Games accessible to Screen Reader users
An updated version of the Clip Copy add-on (originally by Tyler Spivey) for NVDA.