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slick image compare

Is a modern image comparison slider written in vanilla JavaScript and has no dependencies on other libraries. Best for comparing images, image retouching, color adjustments, renderings, etc...



(Started as a jQuery-Plugin back in the days (2013) and was used for a custom WordPress-Plugin) For best performance it uses the requestAnimationFrame api for rendering.



npm install slick-image-compare
<div id="my-div"></div>
import SlickImageCompare from '@/slick-image-compare';
// import SlickImageCompare from "./node_modules/slick-image-compare/index.js";
const options = {
  beforeImage: 'before.jpg',
  afterImage: 'after.jpg',
}; // options (see below)
const sic = new SlickImageCompare('#my-div', options);


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<div id="my-div" style="max-width=640px">
  <img src="before.jpg" alt="before image" />
  <img src="after.jpg" alt="after image" />

  const sic = new SlickImageCompare('#my-div');


1) Example with default settings

use it with the default settings


<div id="my-div">
  <img src="01_before.jpg" alt="before" />
  <img src="01_after.jpg" alt="after" />
const sic = new SlickImageCompare('#my-div');

you can also use the data-api (data-sic must be used) like so. Btw.: The preferred method is the javascript approach!

data api

<div data-sic>
  <img src="01_before.jpg" alt="before" />
  <img src="01_after.jpg" alt="after" />
// important: the init function has to be called

2) Example with start position and labels

we use a custom start position and labels here.


html setup

<div id="my-div">
  <img src="01_before.jpg" alt="before" />
  <img src="01_after.jpg" alt="after" />
// for more options see Options section below.
const options = {
  startPos: 20,
  afterLabel: 'after',
  beforeLabel: 'before'
const sic = new SlickImageCompare('#my-div', options);

the same using the data-sic attribute

data api

<div data-sic="{
  startPos: 20,
  afterLabel: 'after',
  beforeLabel: 'before'
  <img src="01_before.jpg" alt="before" />
  <img src="01_after.jpg" alt="after" />
// call the init function

3) Complete Example for Beginners

here is a complete html structure for you to get started.

html file with modern js approach

first download the files to your project, usually via npm, pnpm, yarn, bun. Here we use pnpm ;)

pnpm install slick-image-compare

For the sake of simplicity, here is a complete HTML code. You only need to change the path to your image files.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>slick-image-compare demo</title>
    @import url("./node_modules/slick-image-compare/dist/style.css");
    .my-div {
      max-width: 600px;
      margin-bottom: 1em;
    <div class="my-div" id="my-div">
      <img src="path-to-image/img01-before.jpg" alt="" />
      <img src="path-to-image/img01-after.jpg" alt="" />

    <script type="module" defer>
      // note: when NOT using a framework (vue, react, svelte, ...) with a bundler,
      // you have to specify the correct path for the js file.
      // Which usually includes the 'node_modules' folder
      // otherwise just use:
      // import SlickImageCompare from '@/slick-image-compare';
      import SlickImageCompare from "./node_modules/slick-image-compare/index.js";

      const options = {
        animateIn: true,
        beforeLabel: "before",
        afterLabel: "after",

      new SlickImageCompare("#my-div", options);

html file with classic js approach

just set the path to your image files

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>slick-image-compare demo</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    .my-div {
      max-width: 600px;
      margin-bottom: 1em;
    <div class="my-div" id="my-div">
      <img src="path-to-image/img01-before.jpg" alt="" />
      <img src="path-to-image/img01-after.jpg" alt="" />

    <script src=""></script>
      const options = {
        animateIn: true,
        beforeLabel: "before",
        afterLabel: "after",

      // SlickImageCompare is in the window-space
      new SlickImageCompare("#my-div", options);


list of the available options (to control the behavior of your slider):

options = {
  // if the the values from the dataset attribute should be combined with
  // the other values in this option object.
  // note: js object entries override existing dataset values!
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: true
  combineDataset: true,

  // if the app should automatically initialize
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: true
  autoInit: true,

  // the initial start position in percent (from the left)
  // possible values: 0 - 100
  // default: 50
  startPos: 50,

  // the image src of the first image
  // leave it at null if there are images in the DOM
  // possible values: all regular image urls
  // default: null
  beforeImage: null,

  // the image src of the first image
  // leave it at null if there are images in the DOM
  // possible values: all regular image urls
  // default: null
  afterImage: null,

  // defines the orientation of the slider
  // true: horizontal, false: vertical
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: true
  horizontal: true,

  // defines the direction of the slider
  // ltr: true,
  // means the "after" images is shown, when the slider-handle is on
  // the left side (0%)
  // ltr: false,
  // means the "after" images is shown, when the slider-handle is on
  // the right side (100%)
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: true
  ltr: true,

  // if the slider should smoothly follow the interaction
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: false
  smooth: false,

  // the smoothness amount
  // possible values: 100 - 500 (are good values)
  // default: 250
  smoothAmount: 250,

  // animate to the clicked/tapped position
  // if true it animates to, if false it jumps to the position
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: true
  animateOnClick: true,

  // for desktop devices
  // follow the mouse movement instead click-and-drag
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: false
  followMouse: false,

  // possible values: true, false
  // default: false
  onlyHandleDraggable: false,

  // only works if onlyHandleDraggable is set to true
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: false
  clickable: false,

  // if the handle should snap back to the start position
  // after user-interaction ends
  // possible values: true, false
  // default: false
  snapToStart: false,

  // the delay
  // possible values: 0 - 10000 (in ms)
  // default: 1000 (1 sec)
  snapToStartDelay: 1000,

  // the animation duration for snapping back to start position
  // possible values: 0 - 10000 (in ms)
  // default: 1250
  snapToStartDuration: 1250,

  // the easing function used
  snapToStartEasing: easing.Elastic.easeOut,

  // define an angle for the handle (parting line)
  // possible values: -30 - 30
  // default: 0
  handleAngle: 0,

  // min distance to left and right border
  handleMinDistance: 0,

  // animate in
  animateIn: false,
  animateInDuration: 1250, // ms
  animateInEasing: easing.Elastic.easeOut,
  animateInDelay: 100, // in ms
  animateInStartPos: 40, // % from left

  // the default animation duration im ms
  animateDuration: 250, // ms
  animateEasing: easing.Cubic.easeOut,

  // the label for the before image
  // possible values: 'Strings'
  // default: ''
  beforeLabel: '',

  // the label for the after image
  // possible values: 'Strings'
  // default: ''
  afterLabel: '',


Methods available after initialization(!)

const sic = new SlickImageCompare('#my-div');




Stops all animations, the handle immediately stops at the current position (if it is moving).



tbd., repetitions, duration, easingFun);


Animates the slider (handle) to a specific position (percentage from left or top), with the defined duration (in ms) and easing function.

percent type: number possible values for percent: 0 - 100 to which position the slider should slide.

duration type: number (optional) the duration is in ms(!) if not set, it uses the standard duration defined via option object.

easing type: function (optional) possible values for easing: see easing functions if not set, it uses the standard easing function defined via option object.

sic.animateTo(percent, duration, easing);


Slider (handle) jumps to a given position (percentage from left or top)

percent type: number possible values for percent: 0 - 100 to which position the slider should jump.



sets the angle of the handle (parting line).

angle type: number possible values for angle: -30 - 30



Changes the direction of the slider (ltr value). So if ltr is set to true (the default value), it is set to false and the slider logic is updated.



Changes the orientation of the slider (horizontal value). So if horizontal is set to true (the default value), it is set to false, and the slider logic is updated.



When the method is called, the slider immediately shows the 'after' image.



When the method is called, the slider immediately shows the 'before' image.



When the method is called, the slider immediately shows the 'after' or 'before' image, depending on what is currently visible.






you can listen to all kind of events, to extend the functionality of the image compare slider. List of available events and when they are triggered

name called / triggered ...
init after initialization
drag on interaction (drag, mousemove)
update on every handle position change
beforeshown if the before image is shown
aftershown if the after image is shown
interactionstart user begins interaction
interactionend user ends interaction
viewchange changed form before image shown to after image shown (and vice versa)

Example 1

using viewchange event

<div id="my-div">
  <img src="01_before.jpg" alt="before" />
  <img src="01_after.jpg" alt="after" />
<div id="my-text-box"></div>
// create an instance
const sic = new SlickImageCompare('#my-div');

const myTextBox = document.getElementById('my-text-box');
const changeText = (evt) => {
  const afterShown = evt.detail.afterShown;
  myTextBox.innerHTML = afterShown ? 'After' : 'Before';

// listen for events
sic.addEventListener('viewchange', changeText);

Static functions

// call this to init all data-sic elements
// returns all instances as array, or false if already initialized

// get the instance for a given element
// returns false if no element is given, the element doesn't exist, or there is no SlickImageCompare instance connected to the element.

// returns an array off all defined instances

// returns the object with the default values

// destroys all previously created instances


  • add more test
  • update this document ...