Online tool for adding chapters and other id3
tags to audio files such as podcasts. Available at
Uses just HTML/CSS and vanilla JS. No server-side code, so it can be run by just starting a webserver in the repo directory (e.g. python3 -m http.server
Built using node-id3, browserify, wavesurfer.js, and Vidstack Player.
Feedback, bug reports, and pull requests are very welcome.
- Add chapters using the player, which displays a waveform and the current chapters.
- Add chapters manually using a straightforward text interface.
- Uses the same format as YouTube chapters in video descriptions, and is compatible with Spotify episode description chapters.
- Chapters can be given chapter links and chapter images.
- Chapters can be hidden from the table of contents (usually used for image display).
- Works with both seconds or millisecond precision.
- Export to mp3 with id3 tags.
- Export to JSON and to Podlove Simple Chapters XML format.
- Allows editing other id3 tags such as title, artist, copyright, and cover art image.