You can find the main page of the project here.
- an experimentation of IoT technologies allowing visually impaired people to avoid obstacles
- a comparison between three possible technologies known as :
Warning, this install is for Windows. If you are running Linux, please use a virtual machine.
- Download the VL53L1X GUI
- Extract the files from the .zip downloaded which should look like
- Execute
- Follow the installation wizard instructions
- Connect your board to your machine
- Launch
- Go on the tab named about and click on Flash FW
Now you can test your board !
Raspberry Pi
Movidius NCS
Finals steps
All the steps of this installation should be done on your Raspberry Pi.
Install Debian Stretch with Raspberry Pi Desktop onto your Raspberry Pi. If these are your first steps with a Raspberry Pi, you can follow this tutorial. And to install the camera, this is here.
Open a terminal window (CTRL + ALT + T
) and create a new directory. We will name it workspace.
mkdir ~/workspace
Go into this directory and clone the ncdsk repository from Movidius on Github
cd ~/workspace
git clone
Go into your new repository and do its install
cd ~/workspace/ncdsk
sudo bash ~/workspace/ncdsk/
This will take a while (approximately 1h30)make all
Execute this one then... it will take 4h. I advise to not do anything else on your Pi while it is executing.
Let's test your install :
cd ~/workspace/ncsdk/blob/master/examples/apps/hello_ncs_py/
- Run
python hello_ncs_py
. The output should be like this :Hello NCS! Device opened normally.
Goodbye NCS! Device closed normally.
NCS device working.
You need do download an other repository :
cd ~/workspace
git clone
Now do cd ~/workspace/ncappzoo/apps/image-classifier
and execute make all
There is the connection diagram to connect the LiDaR to the Raspberry Pi :
We need to setup I2C on your Raspberry Pi
Open up a terminal window and type: sudo raspi-config
- Choose option : 5 Interfacing Options
- Choose option : P5 I2C and hit enter
- Choose : Yes to turn on the I2C interface
- Choose : Ok
- Choose : Finish
Verify your setup by typing
ls /dev/*i2c*
in a terminal window. If the result of the command looks like this'/dev/i2c-1'
then it is good.
Now you need to install the I2C tools : execute sudo apt-get install -y i2c-tools
in a terminal window.
We now need to setup your Pi in order to launch the programm when your Pi is starting. In a new terminal, execute the following command :
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Insert this line just before # Print the IP address
sudo python /home/pi/workspace/ncappzoo/apps/
To run the program, import it to the MBed compiler. MBed is an online compiler which allows you to download the binary file to execute for your embedded card.
There is the connection diagram to connect the LiDaR to the B-L475E-IOT01A :
The represented card here is not the B-L475E-IOT01A but an Arduino Leopardo which has approximately the same pins. Just notice that the pins named SDA and SCl on the Arduino Leopardo are named D14 and D15 on the B-L475E-IOT01A.
There is the connection diagram to connect the HC-SR04 to the B-L475E-IOT01A :
And there is the connection diagram to connect 3 HC-SR04 to the B-L475E-IOT01A