WinControls v1.14 + Firmware update for deadzone adjustment
WinControls v1.14 + Firmware update for deadzone adjustment
This update provides users the ability to adjust the dead-zones on devices that had them ie. Win4 6800u, 7640u, and 7840u.
Steps To Install:
- update the firmware of the controller using the file name GPD.Gamepad.Win4.X408K407.exe (Controller has to be in gamepad mode).
- once the update is complete, shutdown the device.
- power on the device, install the new wincontrol app GPD.WinControls.V1.14.exe and restart device.
- launch Wincontrol, go to mouse customization, deadzone adjustment sliders at bottom right of the mouse customization menu. (Current recommended settings by early users suggest to put both sticks to -8 on center; per Saracchini’s quick test, -8 gives about 6~8% deadzone and re-centers perfectly; -10 reduces to ~4% deadzone but causes slight jitter during re-centering)
Things To Note:
- Version number on ZIP shows 1.14 but in Wincontrol UI shows v1.11 - this will be rectified in next update release; no impact to functionality.
- Windows defender may falsely flagged it as malware, but as mod n1ckn4m3 has mentioned, per his checks yesterday, this is a false positive.
GPD Drive link
Discord Instructions to update by Brother Chenwk