This is building Swimlane flowchart based on ReactFlow and Dagre
alogrithm. It contains below features:
- auto layout based on DAG Dagre algorithm.
- auto change edge path if there is intermediate node.
- supports change layout
Top to Bottom
andLeft to Right
- v0.1.1 Support Swimlane crosses multiple layers if nodes within same swimlane communicate each other.
npm install @liangfaan/reactflow-swimlane
import React from "react";
import { SwimlaneFlow } from "@liangfaan/reactflow-swimlane";
// wrap the component under ReactFlowProvider
import { ReactFlowProvider } from "reactflow";
import "reactflow/dist/style.css";
function App() {
return (
<div style={{ height: 800 }}>
id: "Sample 3",
swimlanes: [
id: "S3-1",
label: "Mindmap Root",
layer: 0,
nodes: [
id: "S3-1-M1",
label: "Root",
code: "ROOT",
id: "S3-2",
label: "Mindmap Level 1",
layer: 1,
nodes: [
id: "S3-2-M1",
label: "Child 1",
code: "CHILD1",
id: "S3-2-M2",
label: "Child 2",
code: "CHILD2",
id: "S3-3",
label: "Mindmap Level 2",
layer: 2,
nodes: [
id: "S3-3-M1",
label: "Child 1",
code: "CHILD1",
id: "S3-3-M2",
label: "Child 2",
code: "CHILD2",
id: "S3-3-M3",
label: "Child 3",
code: "CHILD4",
id: "S3-3-M4",
label: "Child 4",
code: "CHILD4",
edges: [
id: "E-S3-1-M1-S3-2-M1",
sourceNodeId: "S3-1-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-2-M1",
id: "E-S3-1-M1-S3-2-M2",
sourceNodeId: "S3-1-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-2-M2",
id: "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M1",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M1",
id: "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M2",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M2",
id: "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M3",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M3",
id: "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M4",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M4",
id: "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M3",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M2",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M3",
id: "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M4",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M2",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M4",
id: "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M2",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M2",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M2",
id: "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M1",
sourceNodeId: "S3-2-M2",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M1",
id: "E-S3-3-M3-S3-1-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M3",
sourceNodeId: "S3-1-M1",
id: "E-S3-3-M2-S3-1-M1",
targetNodeId: "S3-3-M2",
sourceNodeId: "S3-1-M1",
export default App;
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3005 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
"id": "object id",
"swimlanes": [
"id": "swimlane obj",
"layer": 0, <=swimlane layer order
"label": "swimlane label, will display in flowchat",
"nodes": [
"id": "nodes id",
"name": "node name",
"label": "node label, will display in flowchart"
"edges": [
"id": "edge id",
"sourceNodeId": "source node id",
"targetNodeId": "target node id"
"id": "Sample 2",
"swimlanes": [
"id": "S21",
"layer": 0,
"label": "Swimlane 21",
"nodes": [
"id": "S21-1",
"name": "Node S211",
"label": "Node S211",
"code": "NODES211"
"id": "S22",
"label": "Swimlane 22",
"layer": 1,
"nodes": [
"id": "S22-1",
"name": "Node S221",
"label": "Node S221",
"code": "NODES221"
"edges": [
"id": "S211-S221",
"sourceNodeId": "S21-1",
"targetNodeId": "S22-1"
"id": "Sample 3",
"swimlanes": [
"id": "S3-1",
"label": "Mindmap Root",
"layer": 0,
"nodes": [
"id": "S3-1-M1",
"label": "Root",
"code": "ROOT"
"id": "S3-2",
"label": "Mindmap Level 1",
"layer": 1,
"nodes": [
"id": "S3-2-M1",
"label": "Child 1",
"code": "CHILD1"
"id": "S3-2-M2",
"label": "Child 2",
"code": "CHILD2"
"id": "S3-3",
"label": "Mindmap Level 2",
"layer": 2,
"nodes": [
"id": "S3-3-M1",
"label": "Child 1",
"code": "CHILD1"
"id": "S3-3-M2",
"label": "Child 2",
"code": "CHILD2"
"id": "S3-3-M3",
"label": "Child 3",
"code": "CHILD4"
"id": "S3-3-M4",
"label": "Child 4",
"code": "CHILD4"
"edges": [
"id": "E-S3-1-M1-S3-2-M1",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-1-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-2-M1"
"id": "E-S3-1-M1-S3-2-M2",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-1-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-2-M2"
"id": "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M1",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M1"
"id": "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M2",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M2"
"id": "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M3",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M3"
"id": "E-S3-2-M1-S3-3-M4",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M4"
"id": "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M3",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M2",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M3"
"id": "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M4",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M2",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M4"
"id": "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M2",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M2",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M2"
"id": "E-S3-2-M2-S3-3-M1",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-2-M2",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M1"
"id": "E-S3-3-M3-S3-1-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M3",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-1-M1"
"id": "E-S3-3-M2-S3-1-M1",
"targetNodeId": "S3-3-M2",
"sourceNodeId": "S3-1-M1"