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SBT Site plugin

This is an SBT plugin that can generate project websites. It is designed to work hand-in-hand with publishing plugins like xsbt-ghpages-plugin.


Add this to your project/plugins.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.url("sbt-plugin-releases", new URL(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

resolvers += "sonatype-releases" at ""

addSbtPlugin("com.jsuereth" % "sbt-site-plugin" % "0.5.0")

And then in your build.sbt file:


Then, run make-site to generate your project's webpage in the target/site directory. Again, see the xsbt-ghpages-plugin for publishing information to gh-pages. We expect other publishing mechanisms to be supported in the future.

Adding content to your site

The Site plugin has specific "support" settings for the various supported ways of generating a site. By default, all files under src/site are included in the site. You can add new generated content in one of the following ways:


Simply add to the site mappings. In your build.sbt file:

site.siteMappings <++= Seq(file1 -> "location.html", file2 -> "image.png")

Scaladoc APIS

Add the following line to your build.sbt:


This will default to putting the scaladoc under the latest/api directory on the website. You can configure this by passing a parameter to the includeScaladoc method:


Jekyll site generation

The site plugin has direct support for running jekyll locally. This is suprisingly useful for suporting custom jekyll plugins that are not allowed when publishing to github, or hosting a jekyll site on your own server. To add jekyll support, add the following to your build.sbt:


This assumes you have a jekyll project in the src/jekyll directory.

TODO - Link to documentation site on usage and configuration.

One common issue with Jekyll is ensuring that everyone uses the same version for generating a website. There is special support for ensuring the version of gems. To do so, add the following to your build.sbt file:

com.jsuereth.sbtsite.JekyllSupport.RequiredGems := Map(
  "jekyll" -> "0.11.2",
  "liquid" -> "2.3.0"

Sphinx site generation

The site plugin has direct support for building Sphinx projects locally. This assumes you have a sphinx project under the src/sphinx directory. To enable sphinx site generation, simply add the following to your build.sbt file:


Pamflet generation

The site plugin has direct support for building Pamflet projects. This assumes you have a pamflet project under the src/pamflet directory. To enable pamflet site generation, simplay add the following to your build.sbt file:


To place pamflet HTML under a directory, run:


The above will place pamflet generated HTML under the manual/ directory in the generated site.

Changing the source directory

To change the source directory for static site files, use the siteSourceDirectory alias:

siteSourceDirectory <<= target / "generated-stuff"

TODO - Link to documentation site on usage and configuration.