git clone
curl -O
curl -O
mkdir bin/
curl --output bin/butane
chmod +x bin/butane
tar -zxvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz -C bin/
tar -zxvf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz -C bin
cat /home/lab-user/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
openstack floating ip list
openstack server list
openstack port list
openstack quota show
openstack security group list
openstack flavor list | grep 4c16g
openstack server group list
mkdir cluster-vpff4
openshift-install create install-config --dir cluster-vpff4
openshift-install create cluster --dir cluster-vpff4
cat cluster-vpff4/.openshift_install.log
export KUBECONFIG=/home/lab-user/cluster-vpff4/auth/kubeconfig
openstack port list | grep ingress
openstack floating ip set --port f5c336db-8aa7-4461-ad02-eac8ed292007
export KUBECONFIG=/home/lab-user/cluster-vpff4/auth/kubeconfig
oc get nodes
oc get clusterversion
oc get co
oc get sc
openstack server group create --policy soft-anti-affinity --os-compute-api-version 2.15 cluster-vpff4-infra
cp OCPonOSP/day-two/mco/machineset-infra.yaml .
export CLUSTERID='8vhvz-8qlkb'
sed -i -e "s/blx99-hbb6h/${CLUSTERID}/g" machineset-infra.yaml
#!!!Also Modify serverGroupID: with the new sever group created in the previous step
oc apply -f machineset-infra.yaml
oc get machineset -A
oc apply -f OCPonOSP/day-two/mco/mcp.yaml
oc get mcp
export CHRONY_CONF_B64=$(base64 -w0 OCPonOSP/day-two/mco/chrony.conf)
envsubst < OCPonOSP/day-two/mco/mc-infra.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc get mc
openstack floating ip create e0ddc3ba-1707-44e1-a341-7c7006d60f45
openstack server list -f value -c Name | grep master-0
openstack server add security group cluster-vpff4-master-0 blx99-bastion_sg
openstack server add floating ip cluster-vpff4-master-0
ssh -i .ssh/blx99key.pem [email protected]
openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir cluster-vpff4
openshift-install create manifests --dir cluster-vpff4
butane chrony.bu -o 99-worker-ntp.yaml
butane OCPonOSP/butane/chrony.bu -o cluster-vpff4/openshift/99-worker-ntp.yaml
oc get pods -nopenshift-ingress -o wide | grep router
oc get machinesets
oc scale --replicas=3 machinesets/cluster-vpff4-infra-0 -n openshift-machine-api
oc apply -f OCPonOSP/day-two/ingress-controller/default.yaml
oc get pods -nopenshift-ingress -o wide | grep router
openshift-install --log-level debug destroy cluster --dir cluster-vpff4
rm -Rf cluster-vpff4