Input validation with built in multi language functionality.
$validation = new Validate;
$validation->setField('username')->setValue('My Awesome Username!')->notEmpty()->noWhiteSpace()->alpha()->length(2, 20);
if($validation->failed()) {
echo $validation->getFirstError();
Method No. 1
Method No. 2
validation->getErrors(function($errors) {
// Do whatever you want here. Loop, get last one, maybe get the second one even?
// In this case, we'll just get all errors for 'username'
For more advanced example with localization, field names, and custom checks, view example.php
// The array HAVE to exactly match the one in the class
// {{field}} is the field name, which you set the name of in ->setName() function
// {{lenMin}} {{lenMax}} is the lenght values which you set value of in ->length(1, 2)
// 1 being the mix and 2 being the max
// {{numMin}} {{numMin}} is the number that the value should be between, you set them in ->minMax(1, 2)
// 1 being the mix and 2 being the max
$localisedResponses = array(
'empty' => "{{field}} must not be empty",
'badFormat' => "{{field}} is invalid",
'length' => "{{field}} must be between {{lenMin}} and {{lenMax}} characters long",
'minMax' => "{{field}} must be between {{numMin}} and {{numMax}}",
'int' => "{{field}} must be an integer",
'float' => "{{field}} must be a float",
'alpha' => "{{field}} must only contain letters (a-z)",
'alphanum' => "{{field}} must only contain letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9)",
'whiteSpace' => "{{field}} cannot contain spaces",
'url' => "{{field}} must be an URL",
'uri' => "{{field}} must be an URI",
'bool' => "{{field}} must be a boolean (true-false)",
'email' => "{{field}} must be a valid email"
// Now just pass that array to constructor
$validation = new Validate($localisedResponses);