Detailed walkthrough the creation of mods.
- Tutorial 1 - Get started
- Tutorial 2 - Making new specialists
- Tutorial 3 - Making a new production chain
- Tutorial 4 - Making a new ship
- New modloader features with GU17 - more powerful ModOps, dependencies/loading order and sub-mods
- ModOps Guide - basic ModOp explanations
- XPath Cheat Sheet - needed for advanced ModOps
- Mod Compatiblity Guide - learn how to make mods compatible with others
- Explanation of inheritance (unfortunately German only)
- Modinfo.json manual - mod meta information, dependencies
- iModYourAnno Tweaks
- GU 17 update guide
- GU 16 update guide
- Object Variations and Skins (for Buildings, including automatic neighbors)
- Create .RDM Animations with Blender
- Editing .RDM models with Animations (with solving the problem of disappearing objects)
- RDP Particle Files
- Mesh Height Maps
- Build and deploy mods in VSCode