I love RimWorld, especially it's capable of running thousands of mods to enrich the in-game experience. I love writing codes, it would be great if I could write code for my loved game. I'm creating this repo to record things I learned in my journey.
- https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Modding_Tutorials This is a good starting point.
- https://github.com/roxxploxx/RimWorldModGuide/wiki Covering more useful concepts and mechanisms of the game.
- https://spdskatr.github.io/RWModdingResources/ A community-collated hub for all things RimWorld Modding.
Found a good template on Github to start your mod at https://github.com/Rimworld-Mods/Template I think this one is better than the dotnet template one mentioned in the RimWorld Wiki Tutorials.
Starting your mod by cloning that public template, add/remove folders based on your needs.