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matthew-brett committed May 28, 2024
1 parent 9ff8189 commit 27800bd
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273 changes: 153 additions & 120 deletions mean-slopes/finding_lines.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ jupyter:
extension: .Rmd
format_name: rmarkdown
format_version: '1.2'
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jupytext_version: 1.16.0
display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
language: python
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ We are interested in the relationship of the "Overall Quality" measure to the
"Easiness" measure.

# Convert Easiness and Overall Quality measures to arrays.
# Get the columns as arrays for simplicity and speed.
easiness = np.array(ratings['Easiness'])
quality = np.array(ratings['Overall Quality'])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ where `quality` contains our actual $y$ values.
We can look at the *predictions* for this line (in red), and the actual values (in blue) and then the errors (the lengths of the dotted lines joining the red predictions and the corresponding blue actual values).

# Don't worry about this code, it's just to plot the line, and the errors.
# Don't worry about this code.
# It plots the line, and the errors.
x_values = easiness # The thing we're predicting from, on the x axis
y_values = quality # The thing we're predicting, on the y axis.
plt.plot(x_values, y_values, 'o')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,87 +262,86 @@ intercept, and see which slope gives us the lowest error. See the means,
slopes notebook for the first time we did this.

# Some slopes to try.
some_slopes = np.arange(-2, 2, 0.001)
n_slopes = len(some_slopes)
print('Number of slopes to try:', n_slopes)
# The first 10 slopes to try:
slope_df = pd.DataFrame()
slope_df['slope_to_try'] = some_slopes

As for the [mean and slopes](mean_and_slopes) notebook, we make an array to
hold the RMSE results for each slope.

# Try all these slopes for an intercept of 2.25
# For each slope, calculate and record sum of squared error
# Slopes as an array.
all_slopes = slope_df['slope_to_try']
# Number of slopes.
n_slopes = len(slope_df)
# Array to store the RMSE for each slope.
rmses = np.zeros(n_slopes)
for i in np.arange(n_slopes):
slope = some_slopes[i]
this_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(2.25, slope)
# Record the error measure in error array.
rmses[i] = this_error
min_pos = np.argmin(rmses)
least_error = rmses[min_pos]
best_slope_for_2p25 = some_slopes[min_pos]

Now plot the errors we got for each slope, and find the slope giving the smallest error:
Then (as before) we calculate and store the RMSE value for each slope, with this given intercept.

plt.plot(some_slopes, rmses)
plt.xlabel('Candidate slopes')
# Try all these slopes for an intercept of 2.25
for i in np.arange(n_slopes): # For each candidate slope.
# Get the corresponding slope.
this_slope = all_slopes[i]
# Calculate the error measure for this slope and intercept 2.25.
this_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(2.25, this_slope)
# Put the error into the results array at the corresponding position.
rmses[i] = this_error
print('Best slope for intercept of', 2.25, 'is', best_slope_for_2p25)
print('Best slope for intercept', 2.25, 'gives error', least_error)
# Put all the RMSE scores into the DataFrame as a column for display.
slope_df['RMSE'] = rmses

That code also looks useful, so let's make some of that code into a function we
can reuse:
We plot the errors we got for each slope, and find the slope giving the
smallest error:

def best_slope_for_intercept(intercept, some_slopes):
""" Calculate best slope, lowest error for a given intercept
plt.plot(slope_df['slope_to_try'], slope_df['RMSE'])
plt.xlabel('Candidate slopes')
plt.ylabel('Root mean squared error')

intercept : number
some_slopes : array
Array of candidate slope values to try.
Find the row corresponding to the smallest RMSE:

best_slope : float
Slope from `some_slopes` that results in lowest error.
n_slopes = len(some_slopes)
# Try all these slopes, calculate and record sum of squared error
rmses = np.zeros(n_slopes)
for i in np.arange(n_slopes):
slope = some_slopes[i]
this_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(intercept, slope)
rmses[i] = this_error
min_pos = np.argmin(rmses)
best_slope = some_slopes[min_pos]
return best_slope
# Row label corresponding to minimum value.
row_with_min = slope_df['RMSE'].idxmin()

Now use the function to find the best slope:

# The best slope for intercept 2.25
best_for_2p25 = best_slope_for_intercept(2.25, some_slopes)
# Slope giving smallest RMSE for intercept 2.25
slope_df.loc[row_with_min, 'RMSE']

OK — that's the best slope for an intercept of 2.25. How about our other
suggestion, of an intercept of 2.1? Let's try that:

# The first value in returned array is the slope.
best_for_2p1 = best_slope_for_intercept(2.1, some_slopes)
# Try all candidate slopes for an intercept of 2.1.
# We will re-use "rmses" and "slope_df" for simplicity.

Check failure on line 327 in mean-slopes/finding_lines.Rmd

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re-use ==> reuse
for i in np.arange(n_slopes): # For each candidate slope.
# Get the corresponding slope.
this_slope = all_slopes[i]
# Calculate the error measure for this slope and intercept 2.21.
this_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(2.1, this_slope)
# Put the error into the results array at the corresponding position.
rmses[i] = this_error
# Put all the RMSE scores into the DataFrame as a column for display.
slope_df['RMSE'] = rmses

# Recalculate row holding minimum RMSE
row_with_min_for_2p1 = slope_df['RMSE'].idxmin()

Oh dear - the best slope has changed. And, in general, for any intercept, you
Expand All @@ -365,80 +365,116 @@ gave the lowest error.
We are now searching over many *combinations* of slopes and intercepts.

For example, say we were interested in trying the intercepts 2, 2.1, 2.2. Then
we'd run the routine above for each intercept, to find the best slope for each:
Here are some candidate intercepts to try:

# Some intercepts to try
some_intercepts = np.arange(1, 3.2, 0.01)
inter_df = pd.DataFrame()
inter_df['intercept_to_try'] = some_intercepts

# Intercepts as an array
all_inters = np.array(inter_df['intercept_to_try'])

What we could do, is make a new slopes-and-intercept DataFrame, with all the slopes we want to try, but, for now, only the first of the intercepts, like this:

best_2p0 = best_slope_for_intercept(2.0, some_slopes)
# Calculate error for this pair.
best_2p0_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(2.0, best_2p0)
print('Best slope, error for 2.0 is ', best_2p0, best_2p0_error)
best_2p1 = best_slope_for_intercept(2.1, some_slopes)
best_2p1_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(2.1, best_2p1)
print('Best slope, error for 2.1 is ', best_2p1, best_2p1_error)
best_2p2 = best_slope_for_intercept(2.2, some_slopes)
best_2p2_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(2.2, best_2p2)
print('Best slope, error for 2.2 is ', best_2p2, best_2p2_error)
slope_inter_df_0 = pd.DataFrame()
slope_inter_df_0['slope_to_try'] = all_slopes
# Thus far, as before, but now, add a column for the intercept.
slope_inter_df_0['intercept_to_try'] = all_inters[0]

From this we conclude that, of the intercepts we have tried, 2.1 is the best,
because we could get the lowest error score with that intercept. If this was
all we had, we would chose an intercept of 2.1, and its matching best slope of
Of course we could make a corresponding DataFrame for the second intercept:

slope_inter_df_1 = pd.DataFrame()
slope_inter_df_1['slope_to_try'] = all_slopes
# Thus far, as before, but now, add a column for the intercept.
slope_inter_df_1['intercept_to_try'] = all_inters[1]

To find out if this is really the best we can do, we can try many intercepts.
For each intercept, we find the best slope, with the lowest error. Then we
choose the intercept for which we can get the lowest error, and find the best
slope for that intercept.
And we could make a list of DataFrames, with one data frame for each intercept:

# Some intercepts to try
some_intercepts = np.arange(1, 3.2, 0.01)
n_intercepts = len(some_intercepts)
print('Number of intercepts to try:', n_intercepts)
# First 10 intercepts to try
print('First 10 intercepts', some_intercepts[:10])
all_dfs = []
# Make a slopes DataFrame for each intercept.
n_inters = len(all_inters)
for i in np.arange(n_inters):
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['slope_to_try'] = all_slopes
df['intercept_to_try'] = all_inters[i]
# We now have a list of DataFrames, one for each candidate intercept
print('Number of intercepts:', len(inter_df))
print('Number of DataFrames in "all_dfs"', len(all_dfs))

All that remains is to stack all these DataFrames into one long DataFrame, and reset the index to the usual sequential 0, 1, ... row labels.

# Stack all the slope intercept DataFrames into one, and reset the index.
slope_inter_df = pd.concat(all_dfs, axis='index').reset_index(drop=True)

For each of the 220 possible intercepts, we try all 4000 possible slopes, to
find the slope giving the lowest error *for that intercept*. We store the best
slope, and the best error, for each intercept, so we can chose the best
intercept, after we have finished.
This DataFrame has one row for each of the unique slope and intercept pairs we want to try. Now we can run the same procedure as above, but using the intercept from the row in the DataFrame to do the calculation.

# An array to collect the best slope found for each intercept.
best_slopes = np.zeros(n_intercepts)
# An array to collect the lowest error found for each intercept.
# This is the error associated with the matching slope above.
lowest_errors = np.zeros(n_intercepts)
# Cycle through each intercept, finding the best slope, and lowest error.
for i in np.arange(n_intercepts):
# Intercept to try
intercept = some_intercepts[i]
# Find best slope
best_slope = best_slope_for_intercept(intercept, some_slopes)
# Calculate the error for this best_slope, intercept pair.
lowest_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(intercept, best_slope)
# Store the best_slope and error
best_slopes[i] = best_slope
lowest_errors[i] = lowest_error
print('First 10 intercepts:\n', some_intercepts[:10])
print('Best slopes for first 10 intercepts:\n', best_slopes[:10])
print('Lowest errors for first 10 intercepts:\n', lowest_errors[:10])
# All the slopes in the pair DataFrame, as an array.
all_pair_slopes = np.array(slope_inter_df['slope_to_try'])
# All the intercepts in the pair DataFrame, as an array.
all_pair_intercepts = np.array(slope_inter_df['intercept_to_try'])

Then we make another array to contains the RMSE values for each of the slope, intercept pairs:

# Plot the lowest error for each intercept
plt.plot(some_intercepts, lowest_errors)
plt.ylabel('Lowest error for intercept')
plt.title('Lowest error for each intercept')
# The number of slope, intercept pairs.
n_pairs = len(slope_inter_df)

# The lowest error we found for any intercept:
print('Least error', np.min(lowest_errors))
# An array to store the RMSE values for each slope, intercept pair.
rmses = np.zeros(n_pairs)

Now we can use these arrays to go through each slope, intercept pair in turn, calculate the RMSE, and store it for later use.

# Go through each pair to calculate the corresponding RMSE.
for i in np.arange(n_pairs):
# Get the slope for this pair (slope at this position).
this_slope = all_pair_slopes[i]
# Get the intercept for this pair (intercept at this position).
this_intercept = all_pair_intercepts[i]
# Calculate the error measure.
this_error = calc_rmse_for_c_s(this_intercept, this_slope)
# Put the error into the RMSE results array at this position.
rmses[i] = this_error
# Add the RMSE column to the original DataFrame for display.
slope_inter_df['RMSE'] = rmses

For each of the 220 possible intercepts, we have tried all 4000 possible
slopes, to find the slope giving the lowest error *for that intercept*. We
store the best slope, and the best error, for each intercept, so we can chose
the best intercept, after we have finished.

# The lowest error that we found for any slope, intercept pair
min_row_label = slope_inter_df['RMSE'].idxmin()

Notice that this error is lower than the error we found for our guessed `c` and
Expand All @@ -448,18 +484,15 @@ Notice that this error is lower than the error we found for our guessed `c` and
calc_rmse_for_c_s(2.25, 0.47)

We can go back and get the corresponding intercept and slope.

# The intercept corresponding to the lowest error
min_pos = np.argmin(lowest_errors)
best_intercept = some_intercepts[min_pos]
best_intercept = slope_inter_df.loc[min_row_label, 'intercept_to_try']

# The slope giving the lowest error, for this intercept
best_slope = best_slopes[min_pos]
best_slope = slope_inter_df.loc[min_row_label, 'slope_to_try']

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