Public feeds for OpenWRT.
Eventually these all desire to move upstream, but they start here
- All packages work on Attitude Adjustment
- All packages except pagekitec (libev) work with backfire 10.03
- Barrier Breaker (trunk) has not been extensively tested yet, if you find problems please let us know.
Note: This is only a feed, ie, recipes for building. This does not include binaries for any architecture, for any release.
Add this to your feeds.conf
src-git owrt_pub_feeds git://
src-link owrt_pub_feeds /where/you/cloned/this/repo
src-git owrt_pub_feeds git://;branch_xx
./scripts/feeds update owrt_pub_feeds
./scripts/feeds install -p owrt_pub_feeds -a
make menuconfig and choose the new packages :)
If any of the packages in this feed are already in the upstream feed, you may have problems where running "update" keeps building the same (old) version. This is a common problem for the mosquitto package. What goes wrong is that the owrt build system thinks it already has a definition for the mosquitto package installed, from the upstream feed, and only checks that feed for any updates. The workaround is to uninstall the problem package, and reinstall it, preferentially from the desired feed.
- ./scripts/feeds uninstall mosquitto
- ./scripts/feeds install -p owrt_pub_feeds mosquitto
See also the github issues