# Hey there! I'm Anna
Glad to become a part of that story!)) Wish luck to all of us
Please don't upload heavy media files, I was cloning the repo for ages :)
Hi! My name is Yaroslav. Im 20 years old. Im studing in Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. I found a lot of buddies and it`s cool.
Hello everybody! My name is Ivan. I'm glad to join Kottans and looking forward to starting our journey in the world of Front-End!
My name is Dmytro and it`s a big honour to study front-end with you!
Pleased to meet all the members! I am glad that ITC.ua helped me to find out about this course. I wish everyone to get a lot of useful things here.You can see my repo here.
Hi!!! My name is Vyacheslav. I glad to see you. I'm glad to join the kottans community.
# Hello Kottans!
I honor to be on this course. Good luck for everybody)))
My name is Vitaliy. I'm switcher )) I hope we'll have fun while learning. Good luck!
Link to my repo
# Добрий вечір, everybody :) In spite of everything, lets enjoy this course! Glory to AFU!
My name is Natalia
Fortunatelly I discovered Kottans on dou.ua, and now I'm here with you whether you like it or not :-P
By no means look on my repo. Here it is, by the way.
Very happy to be part of your community.
# Hi kottans! I'm Konstiantyn and i will work for you soon.
I am Yulia. I wish everyone to have a lot of practice and fun :)
This is my repo.
##Hello World I am Artem good luck
## Hey guys, whats up?)
My name is Dmytryj.
Link to my repo on GitHub.
This is link to my repo.
Really glad to get together with ya'll , I'm sure that we can combine learning and having fun!
Here's my GitHub repositoryAnd my smoll cat Sirius also excited!
Pleased to meet you.
[my github profile](https://github.com/zadorogniyandrey)I'm glad to join the kottans community. Happy studying.
[github.com/vovan-zt/kottans-frontend](https://github.com/vovan-zt/kottans-frontend)Hi! I'm Pavlo and I learn GitHub. I'm happy to be with kottans (https://github.com/kottans/git-course)
I am Alex. I'm so glad to join the Kottans community!
I am computer engineering student, looking for a new front-end knowledge and some friends : )
I'm Olena. I’m excited to join the kottans community. First of all, I wanna thank the organizers and developers for the opportunity to take this course. I hope I'll be able to complete all the tasks and continue my studies at the next levels.
This is a training repository for Kottans frontend, backend, and git courses. You can try sending pull-requests to this repository proposing a change. The change can be anything you like, for example: fixing a typo in README.md. Consider this phrase, for example:
Tell other kottans a couple of words and add a fancy picture.
Try it! It’s fun, we promise :)
Please, add your greetings at the end of file.
By the way, creating issues is fun too!
- Your pull-request may not be reviewed very quickly, please have patience.
- If you need help with a PR (e.g. resolving merge conflict) ask the community for support
posting a message
+ link to your pull request ( e.g. kottans#145 ) in a chat of the course you're taking.
If you are impatient use frontend course, backend course or git course group chats to have fun from chatting with other students.
P.S. Where all postings before March 2018 have gone to?
Here they are!
(git tag v.2017-2018
I'm Maksim from Kyiv (https://github.com/maximmorenko). How are you?
good luck)
Glad to join to the community)
Thank you for this opportunity to be a part of this community and learn intersting stuff. This cat is like me when I'm working on bugs in my code. Good luck!
I`m glad to join to Kottens community. Let's start our Front-End journey! Good luck to all of you!
My name is Andrew. And I'm really happy to be enrolled to this course. Wish you all luck!
My name is Maks. I've started to study the front-end and I am glad to join the community! let's go!
Thanks for the course :) I am Luba, and I am extremely excited to be here.
My name is Alex! I'm very happy to join the community!
I'm Sasha and I'm happy to join the community 😉
I'm Mitya, going back to learn the frontend, each time gaining more and more knowledge, hopefully, this time it will be event better. So let's do it
I'm Nataliya and these are my first steps in FrontEnd. I really hope that everyone of us will get his (or her :) ) dream )
I'm George and I'm beginner in FrontEnd.
I hope meet there interesting projects and friends.)
I know that you are than me.
My name is Taras. I am glad that there is such an opportunity to get on an interesting course and meet nice people.
My name is Stanislav. I am glad to join this training, and I will try to complete all the tasks on time!
My name is Alexey. I'm happy to join to Kottans comunity!
I'm an absolute beginner in frontend so it will be an
interesting experience for me to study with your help and support.
It was an explosive start to front-end learning! At first it was hard for me because of English)) but with each lesson it became easier and easier to learn. I really liked the Git tool, and I will definitely use it in my studies, work and my projects. Many thanks to Kottans for the great course. I'm moving on to the next Linux, Command Line, HTTP tools!)
My name is Maksym. I'm Glad to join the community!
My name is Dania.I just started learning front-end and I am Glad to join the community!
I'm Max and this is Greyjoy, the kitten I'm hoping to adopt soon 😄
I’m Alex and I’m excited to join the community. I have a background as a journalist/price reporter in commodity markets (wheat) and finances. Will be happy to share knowledge on those topics, if someone is interested in them.
A frontend is new for me, but do have some python skills. So, at least I can try to help if something:)
The fastest way to reach me is a Telegram
Anyways, happy to join and wish you all luck!
PS. Check the Kottans in wheeeeeaaatt.
Hi, I'm Artem, here's a spacecat.
My name is Krystyna and my little kottan
Greet everyone on this incredible cource!!!
Me 👩🦰
And here is my cat dog Easy!
Hello, kottans! 😸 Come on to my GitHub
It is awesome)
Hi and pryvit 😺😺😺.
My name is Yevhen Tkachenko (https://github.com/t-jay-777)
# Hello =)
I am Yaroslav
Have a nice day and be happy!)))
My name is Marina, and my inspiration - Vanya The Cat :D. Glad to join the community!
# Hi Everybody!
# Hi
You can find me on linkedin, or on github
My name is Natalia
My name is Heorhii. Yesterday I finished the Udacity Git Course and it was awesome!!!
I’m very happy to hear that 😺
I am Daria
My name is Oleksii and my cat is Arnold
Great course! Wonna learn it with you.
I am Max.
All stuff is new for me but very useful!
Productive autumn for everyone! ^ It`s my previous greeting when I tried back-end courses. I was surprised to see, that my greeting was included in Article Code Vault. So, hello again!
My name is Hlib and I glad to see you. I will study this course with you.
Congrats with 256 day of a year! It`s a programmer day today 13.09.19!!
I am Dainis ,dude what want to learn back end.
Hi, kottans! Nice to meet you!
I am Liu Here's a tipo for somebody to fix :)
Hi, there! My name is Oksana.
My cat and me are looking forward to the next tasks
Hi kottans! My name is Sergey.
Hello everyone! My name is Serhii.
I'm glad to be here! Best wishes to the Kottans community!
I hope for good cooperation. It is very pleasant to be in the company of like-minded people.
My name is Julia and I want to greet all of you and to wish you productive work!
We are happy to join you =^.^= !
My name is Rustem and good luck to everyone!
My name is Mitya, soon we all will be really good in doing things right!
Nice kitten, by the way
Hello World! I'm Alexandr Nikandrov from Kiev.
It was an intentionally misspelled phrase
I'm glad to join kottans community!
Best wishes, Vitaliy :)
Kottans the best of the best!!!
I am very glad to join you =^.^=
I'm Olena and I'm glad to become a part of this incredible community!
Hello Kottans! Aspiring to join your community
Hi, kottans!
I'm Olga, glad to meet you!
Ready to work hard and not to sleep at night
Hi everybody!!!!! I`m ready to study. I want to learn something new and fresh!!!!!
I want to be in your team!!!!!!
Hi guys!!! I am beginner in programming world! This is my first pull-request.
Meow Hello, guys
I want it to be a cat. Go!
- Holla everybody! =^.^=
Hello, everyone! Let the cats be with us!
Hi, kottans. Feels like should be here.
Hi, dear Kottans! I'm so happy i'm not alone one my way to becoming a frontend ninja! Let's do it! ❤️
h1, all!
while(true) {
##Hello! I'm Anton! I'm so happy to be in your team.
I think it should be here.
Hello, Kottans! Thank you a lot for the opportunity and knowledge, people who invest their time in this breathtaking community, be worth a great respect!
<Andrey, Odessa/>
first-time on the kottans pre-course:
Hello,kottans! You're beautiful. Wish you best coding
`## Hello, hope to join the course, really excited
Hey everyone! Happy to be a part of such a great team! You're awesome ^-^
Hello kottans. I will hope that with the second attempt I will cope with this course))
Hi, everyone! I'm Olena. It's so exciting - join to your team. I hope complete stage 0 and have the opportunity to work with such cool community.
My cat's name is Houston, it's not any fun, but it became when I adopted lady-cat whose name is Whitney.
I am pleased to participate in this course.
Hi there. I'm Viktoria. And this is my cat - Tisha. We really hope will become part of kottans family.
I'm Maks and it's a pleasure for me to join this community. Good luck for everyone and have a nice day!
How it is look like, when you dive into first Udacity course about Git and try to understand all this new information, furthermore, given in english..
I'm Maks and it's a pleasure for me to join this community. Good luck for everyone and have a nice day!
Hello, everyone! I'm Artem from Kiev. This is my first pull-request. That's fun.
I'm Denis and... Ow, all these gifs! Just get one more :)
##Hey, kottans)
My name is Vanya, and I am glad to be part of the team.
(I feel myself now like - )
I'm new in your community,you all are cool^^
Happy to become a part of this great community!
I really loved to learn about Git and GitHub from Udacity course and I will recommend it to others! To my consideration, Kottans made a great job on sharing the valuable knowledge with others) Hope to try the whole frontend-course! Best wishes, Natalie Reshetnikova
Let the party start! Igor K
I'm Michail and I'm freaking curious about the outcome of your project for myself. Have fun and be 🐱
Hello. My name is Vlad. I'm very excited too. If you don't see it just believe me. Really.
I'm excited that I opened this community. I would like to be part of that amazing team)
I'm Nataly, nice to join you! Let's get prepared!
I'm really into your course and community.
I'm Ed and I'm ready to study!
I'm Ruslan. I came from Siberia, but now I live in Kiev. After exploring the Kottans community. All success and good mood!
It was very hard and informative PR)
I'm glad to be a part of this community!
happy to be a part of your community
The Friday hacker cat breaks into the Kottans company again! Let's be friends! :)
Don't stop, go, go, go! :)
Hi, Kottans !
Make frontend great!
I'm Nick, nice to join you!
Have fun!
I'm glad to join!
I'm Maryna, and I'm glad to join your Kottans community.
I'm Anton from Kiev, nice to be part of Kottans community.
GitHub очень ценная штука, сохранение новых версий, внесение изменений, решение конфликтов реализовано очень чётко. Надеюсь использование данного ресурса в дальнейшем не вызовет у меня трудностей.
Данная отметка от Богдана г.Киев

I wish everyone to have fun and keep in mind: "Fail is integral part of success. Keep working".
Hi guys, it's nice to join you. Happy coding!
I am Vlad from Kyiv, and I'm excited to enroll in this frontend course :D
I'm glade to join Kottans Team!
I'm Tania. Nice to join you!
I am Leonid. I would like to working on this course remotely. I hope you will make the following tasks and some lectures available online.
I`m Alex from Kiev!
I'm Vitaliy from Kiev and I want to join Kottans Team!
I'm Viktor from Zhytomyr! I'm real ninja 👇👇👇!
#Hi, kottans!
I'm Sergey from Kiev. Very glad to join
#Hi, all!
I'm Vitalii.
Good luck in learning!
I'm Svitlana from Vasylkiv Hope we have a good start here ^^
This is gonna be fun!
I hope for fruitful work with you:cat:
My name is Kharchenko Andrew.
I want to learn more about FE!
Are you ready for a new experience?
Nice to meet you! I'm Peter. Thank you for opportunity to learn this course and to communicate with others. I have interested Udacity git course especially for building excelent concept map of Git. I have enjoyed course *try.githab.io* for studying materials, such as *learning git branching* with graphical view of git commits as a tree, *github learning lab* with interactive activities.
I'm Sviat from Kyiv. I like sphinxes.
Would be great to join you!
I'm Artem from Kyiv, Ukraine.
Nice to meet all of you! And thanks for good opportunity to kwon something new.
Hello, everyone! Thank you for such great courses!!)
My name is Yulia. Nice to meet you, guys!
My name is Evgen. Nice to join you.
I hope I can get to the outgoing train.
It's great that I can be part of your community.
I'm in disguise.
I'm late, but I hope, I'll can study with you!
I am pleased to participate in this course.
I'm Georgiy and I came here to study.
I started to learn kottans course.
My name is Serhii.
Happy to discover your community.
Thanks for p2p.
I'm Peter and ready to join the guild "p2p" :)
Good luck everyone.
! am Victoria and I'm very glad to join the Kottans community
This is my lovely cat Adel(gif/lovely_Adel.JPG)
I'm Mirlan and very happy to be here with all of you!
Nice to meet you :)
I'm Nick and I'm ready to start this wonderful journey
I am very glad to join p2p course! It is really cool to learn front-end this way. Thank you for this opportunity!
I'm Sergey from Kharkov and here is my cat --->
Neural networks are the future of image processing in web technologies. An image bellow shows the cat which does not exist! Each time when you reload the page a new image is generated!
You don't believe? Refresh the page and see it yourself!!
I'm Aymkin from Odessa, meet this funny pic another time
Let's start the journey!
Let's see how it works!
##Hello, awesome comunity!!
I just started p2p - course and it is gonna be awesome)
I'm Yuliia and I'll be okay with it =).
Thank you for p2p! :-) I wish everybody don't give up and go to their goals!
I'm Irina. I hope to be part of the Kottans family.
I'm doggan :) and my name is Jack Loki. Nice to meet you!
I'm Viktoriia, I will study frontend with Kottans!
My name is Roman! Thank you for an excellent batch of recources.
I'm Nevty. Glad to be part of this community.
My name is Vasyl. Nice too meet you guys :)
I along with my cat Maya (that's a photo of random cat from the Internet below, not Maya's 😺) am going to join this awesome community. I hope it's gonna be a fun ride!😉
Three wise men of Gotham, They went to sea in a bowl, And if the bowl had been stronger My song would have been longer.
i'm laverka, and going to join to backend course. In case anyone is from Lviv, let's keep in touch
/\ /\ { `---' } { O O } ~~> V <~~ \ \|/ / `-----'__ / \ `^\_ { }\ |\_\_ W | \_/ |/ / \_\_( ) \__/ /(_E \__/ ( / MM
I'm new in your community and want to study back-end)
I am from Kyiv. And this is my "kotan")
Hello, everyone! My name is Vitalii and I'm keen on learning Python. I'm waiting for interesting community and rapid development
My name is Dmitro. I'm extremly excited to join this course. And hello from my cat Ruby (like on rails, yes)
Hi everyone, my name is Denis.
I hope know that this course will be useful for me :)
My name is Anastasiia. It would be great to join you :)
My name is Iryna. I would like to participate in the Backend Course.
Thank you for the great opportunity to learn more)
My name is Artem. I am excited to start the back-end course.
Hi everyone, my name is Denis.
I hope know that this course will be useful for me :)
Hi Kottans! I'm Dima!
Many thanks to Kottans team for such a beautiful opportunity to get a good knowledge in easy and pleasant way for free! Will try my best to become a good back-end developer! I have some previous exp in JS, python and sql connectors, sql, html/CSS so I could contribute a bit if You need to) Just ask!)
I have some experience with HTML and CSS, JS / React, Python / Django / Flask. I implemented a few small projects for my friends. I hope that Kottans' back-end course allow me to systematize and increase my level of expertise.
I am excited to learn basics of Git and Github. The information now is structured and clear. I would like to deep in this topic and make more practical tasks.
My name is Serhii. Nice to meet you all :)
My name is Alex, I got the job-offer for JS developer, that is why I need to find out what is Node.js. Previously I was a front-end Kottans's course student
I'm Viacheslav and I'm very exciting to join to this very interesting backend cours.
I finished first task and I want to share my impression about this before start next one
I got a lot of new information about basics things for Git and I will use these knowledges next times in my work.
I hope, I will finish all tasks in time )))
Best regards!
P.S. Sorry, but I haven't any cats)))
I'm Alex Very excited to be on this course
My name is Eugene. I'm looking forward to uppping my game in the backend world, studying alongside the brilliant minds of the Kottans community.
Wishing everyone a fantastic journey here ;)
Hi, my name is Sasha. I am 21 years old.
I have finished the git basic course
Have a nice day:)
My name is Juli I am excited to be here.
I'm Alexandr best regards
I'm Vitaliy. https://github.com/vik1803
I'm Viacheslav. https://github.com/dviacheslav
Im Vlad https://github.com/Wizardiq
I'm Vitaliy.
This is my dog Cherry and she loves cats)
Glad to be a part of the team, hope to get into the offline part of the course!
My name is Alex Bondar and i finally learned git. It's a fun and interesting. Try to learn it for yourself! And you can find me here - https://github.com/ABondar-Neph
I'm Serhii. Nice to join you!
#Hello Kottans!
My name is Evgen. I am from Kremenchug.
This is my coder cat Plushka.
Hi everybody!
I'm Igor and will be glad to join your community!
I am Max. Nice to meet you, guys!
My name is...
All in all a great course! I can also add an additional resource for practice blind typing - TypingStudy.com
The task was to propose a change and I even thought about correcting some grammar mistakes, but who dares to change such a memory wall. So I will just leave my message as everyone: good luck and a lot of persistence everyone!
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My name is Hanna! Nice to study with you:)
My name is Andrew it's nice to meet you
My name is Oleksandr Nice to meet you
My name is Sasha Nice to study with you :)
Best regards, Alex.
My name is Yuliia and i'm fond of tigers. They're also cats (even big though 😬).
Kottans, thank you for the new course!
I'm Vlad, Front-end developer who is in the process of formation. And, I believe that taking this course will be an interesting adventure despite the fact that it can be challenging.
My name is Kostya and I am so excited to be here 🤗
My name is Andriy and I want to be a real Front End Developer.
Here are so many different cats in this Readme.md. Of course, it is pretty much not so bad. But I want to put here something actually better. Here it is:
Cats, beware!
Hello. My name is Victor. Glad to join the Marophon.
I am sure it will be an awesome journey!
1st time working via command line, Vasiliy =)
here's a potato
I'm really excited to join your cool and friendly community! Looking forward to study and collaborate with other students / mentors.
Do not hesitate to reach me if you need any kind of help: krylenger Have a good day ahead!
nice to join such a wonderfull jorney!
I`m Hanna, and I am really excited to join community! 🥰

I'm Kyrylo, I have always dreamed of programming and this a great opportunity for me :)
My name is Alex and I want to be a dev-cat.

My name is Sergey and I want to be a Front-end dev.
I'm Yury. This is a street cat named Bob. He is the best cat in the world.
My name is Dima and I'm glad to study here with you. I wish you all success!
My name is Nastya Happy to be the part of such a cool comunity.
My name is Lora I'm so exciting about coding with KOTTANS!
Thank you for the new course!
My name is Evgenii. I want to be a Full Stack web developer.
Thanks for the course and good luck to students!
I'm Vlad and I didn't find any typo in ur README(maybe because it's perfect:rocket:) but I'm gonna show your my cat.He is a little impudent.:octocat:
My name is Anton and I want to join Great Kottans community and wish good luck for everyone!
I am Daniel,glad to join Kottans!!
My name is Nataliia👋 Glad to join KOTTANS🐱 I wish all of you happy coding!
Hey there 👋 Thanks for the course and good luck to students!
My names is Alex
My name is Danil.
Good luck for everyone!!!
My name is Olga and I am very glad to join this community 😁 Good luck to everyone! And meet my cat who saw some things in this world :D
My name is Maryna and I want to be really good in Front End Development. Thank to creators and good luck to all students! And this is my cat Sergiy. Sergiy
My name is Viktoriia. I am a
. This front-end course is awesome! So...forward to knowledge!!! 🚀
My name is Yakiv and I am a future kottan. Glad to be here.
My name is Stas Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for the course. It`s awesome.
All the best and good luck, everyone!
My name is Vlad. I`m from Lviv(Rivne). I'm looking for friends:)
My name is Igor I glad to pass the course with you. Cheers, don't worry and be happy!
Hi guys! My name is Sophia. I'm super exited to join you! I am beginner in programming world! This is my first pull-request.
I like the sun and programming, and my cat.
Hello kottans
! My name is Nina and I am glad to welcome everyone on this incredible courses!
My name is Helen and this is my cat Cat.
Glad to join and good luck, kottans!!!
Come on, let me see what is happening here!
My name is Alyona and I don't have a cat. So here's a random cat from the internet.
Have a good day!
It is not a frontend cat, but it is a cat too.
So excited and grateful to join the course!
Good luck and best wishes, Mykhailo.
I wish you all to succeed in this course!
Nice to meet you!
Have a good day!
My name is Dmitry and I'm glad to see you.
Here it is the photo of my cat:
I'm very exciting to join the Kottans community :)
Regards, Dima
I`m glad to join this community and start this trip!!!
It will be fun!!!
Catbird. Is it fun?
I'm Valeria and it's nice to be here ^^.
I see there is already one photo of my cat, but it can't be too much of him, right?
I'm Evgeniy! Glad to join!
I'm Alyona.
I'm Serge. It's really nice to get new and important knowledge in such a nice format and see a lot of progress from everybody on the Telegram channel. It's inspiring!
I’m Max
Me 👩🦰
And here is my cat dog Easy!
My name is Sergey. Though I've been familiar with git a little, the offered courses have refreshed old knowledge and taught new useful commands.
Here is my beloved kitten named Mars:
I'm Galina and this is typical Dutch kottan
I'm Viktoria. I am very happy to participate in this course. I have been observing kottans since 2018, but only now the situation has allowed me to participate in this wonderful project. I really want to do everything before December. Good luck to all!
P.S that's Riziy and he help me study ;)
glad to be here and learn smth new! Excited and looking forward!
My name is Oleg. So, meet my cat, called Richard ;)
If you’ve questions about the tasks or something you can always contact me at :
I'm Ivan and this is Chris)) I really appreciate being here
Version Control with GIT - Completed !
My name is Yuliia and it is my super smart assistant :)
My name is Igor and I'm very happy to join the Kottans community. Currently I am a capoeira martial arts trainer. I am very interested in front-end development and I really want to learn this profession.))
I am Anastasia. I am very excited to be a part of Kottans community and learn frontend with you!
My name is Anton and I am glad to meet you! First part of education course "Version Control with Git" and especially "learngitbranching.js.org" was very useful for me and now I'm excited to continue adventure with your wonderful interesting community.
My name is Ivan, I'm glad to be here, and I hope I can finish a self-study stage before the dead-end. Whew, I should hurry up!
Good luck to everyone!
I'm Tati and I'm delighted to be a member of the Kottans community!
My name is Michael and I'm glad to be here! I am very excited to be a part of Kottans community and learn frontend with you!
I'm Aleksandr and i I look like this
Hello kottans and kittens! My name is Illia and I am happy and excited to be among Kottans!
Let`s hack the world together!
My name is Yuri I will be happy to participate in this self or half-self training and I hope we will succeed.
Dear kottans, I am much obliged for your kindness. Thank you so much for preparing these incredible educational materials! My name is Anna. I sincerely hope to become a part of your learning community.
Have a lovely day:)
Hello, it`s me
So great that we have people who can find time for sharing the knowledges with us! My name is Ruslan. Glad to be here.
Hi Everyone Im Bazio from Thailand
I'm a beginner, whos want to learn the front-end and back-end and i search all through the internet for the tutorial but some are advances, some are nothing but just wanted to sell their own templates, but Kottans tutorial made me change.
what i have learned from the first section was git stuff and i knew that its was more than HTML CSS JS but i could make a community of the same kind. Thank you to Kottans Tutorial that make me study coding once more since i have give up already.
Really happy to join community and learn new stuff! My name is Dima
My name is Roma and this is my surprised house kottan-helper Semyon =) Hi'll help me to learn frontend especially at night ;) He's so good that I uploaded a couple of photos
I`m Yulia. Very happy to join the community!
Hi, my name is Anton
I hope learning frontend with your community will feel easier, cos redux is really hard to understand at first sight. I don't like pictures or cats, so this is how april looks like in enemy city Saint Petersburg:
I'm Anna. I'm Anna, and I'm glad to join the Kottans community! Thank you for the course and your support. I'm here to become a true coder and make computer beep boop beep beep boop:
Have a nice time, kottans =)
My name is Andrew. Glad to join your course. This would be awesome!
Here is picture of my cat Timothy

Really happy to join community and learn new stuff! My name is Dima
My name is Roma and this is my surprised house kottan-helper Semyon =) Hi'll help me to learn frontend especially at night ;) He's so good that I uploaded a couple of photos
I`m Yulia. Very happy to join the community!
Hi, my name is Anton
I hope learning frontend with your community will feel easier, cos redux is really hard to understand at first sight. I don't like pictures or cats, so this is how april looks like in Saint Petersburg:
I'm Anna. I'm Anna, and I'm glad to join the Kottans community! Thank you for the course and your support. I'm here to become a true coder and make computer beep boop beep beep boop:
Have a nice time, kottans =)
My name is Andrew. Glad to join your course. This would be awesome!
Here is picture of my cat Timothy

My name is Myhkailo, I have been living in Kharkiv for 10 years though I was born in the Kyiv Oblast and spent most of my life in the Poltava Oblast. I took an HTML&CSS course in Spalah IT School about five years ago. I stopped developing at that point because another career found me then. Now I see that it was a bad move, so now I want to correct that mistake and to finally fulfill my old dream – become a front-end developer. Hopefully, this course will help me to make a great stride towards my endeavor :)
I'm Andrii and I'm glad to join the comunity.
I already have some experience in frontend, but I have never studied programming in English.
Well, I hope Kottans will help me improve my skills
I'm Valerii and I'm happy to join the community!!!
My name is Yurii. Happy to be a part of the great community.
I'm Max and I am excited to learn frontend!
My name is Vladyslav.
HappyI am glad to join to your community.
I'm Radonevsky
I wish the Kotans a successful completion of this course and prosperity!
My name is Anna.
So thrilled about learning front-end development. Looking forward to having a great time here.
I'm Val and I'd be grateful to finally join your community!
Hoping for the next course to start really soon :)
Aaand here are my cats Cherry and Mira:
I'm Sasha. Happy to be here!
My name is Ivan.
I want to learn frontend but I'm a bit stupid so I wonder if i could post it right
My name is Kateryna and I'm happy to join this community!
My name is Dima. I decided to switch to a new profession. So I am glad to join the community. I hope to get your help and support.
My name is Andrii Shchur. Last time I did not start correctly, so we start from the beginning on 07/19/2022 I want to learn frontend!
My name is Vlad. I'm a front-end newbie and a cat person.
My name is Dan. I'm wanna be frontend developer.
My name's Volodymyr. Thank you for this course!!!
My name is Daria and I'm happy to join this course!
I'm Natalia,I live in Rivne and I like cats a lot.
My name is Vlad. I'm excited to join the Kottans community!
My name is Serhii and I'm happy to join this community!
My name is Ivan. I'm not a newbee in JavaScript but I want to improve my skills and spend my free time with nice people.
My name is Dmitry. Thank Kottans team for new knowledge and support!
My name is Slava. I'm happy to have opportunity to learn Front-end here!
My name is Roman. Let's start this 20 minute adventure in the frontend world.
I am Aleksander I learn (https://github.com/kottans/)
My name is Anna.
So cool to be here!
My name is Bohdan and I have black belt in procrastination. Let's see how far I can get with Kottans.
My name is [Yulya] (https://github.com/FoxYulya) and I'm happy to join this community! Thank you for this course!!! I'm wanna be frontend developer.))))))))
My name is Alexei and I'm happy to join this community!
Thank you for this opportunity to be a part of this community and learn intersting stuff. Good luck for all learners!
My name is Liza and I'm happy to join this community!
I'm Petro and I'm happy to join the community.Have a nice day and be happy!)
I am happy to find this community for studying frontend.
Hope for help when I need. Good luck.
I am very happy to see you all here! Good luck, have fun and don't forget to practice coding every day <3
My name is Andrii I'm new to programming, I hope we'll have fun while learning
My name is Bogdan. Hello.
I'm am a new Kottans student. I'm very exited to learn Frontend.
Hi everyone.
Hello there! My name is Bohdan and im study front-end
I'm first time working with GitHub, its so fresh & cool expirience!!!
My name is Illia. Hope this kitty will grow up together with improving my programing skills
Hi! I'm jedi master) May the 4th be with you!)
My name is Ignat and I'm happy to join this community!Thank you for this opportunity to be a part of this community.
I hope that I and all Kottans will be able to achieve good results in studying)
Hello there! My name is Serge and thats my commit ;)
My name is Yaroslav. I'm happy to be here!
My name is Bohdan.
My name is Eugene I'm happy to be here!
Well, let's learn and go hang out?)
My name is Denis.
Hi my name Oleg BUT IT WAS ME, DIO
I'm Bella and I'm happy to join Kottans!
My name is Boghdana. I have very high hopes for this course and I hope they come true.
My name is Dmytro and thank you for this experience!
I'm glad to join kottans community!
I am Illia. I`d like to learn frontend and join Kottans!
My name is Natali. I'm glad to join the community!
I'm Oleg. I'm glad to join the community!
My name is Hanna. I'm happy to join this community!
Hey, I'm Kong super excited to join this community and learn from it. Just with Git alone is so much fun!
I'm Larysa. I'm happy to be here.
Hi, I'm Vlada. I'm so glad to join Kottans team.) My gitHub
Hi, I'm Bohdan. Look at us. FrontEnd buddyes. My gitHub
My name is Misha. I'm really happy to join Kottans!
My name is Yuliia glad to see you!
I'm glad to be here!
Hey guys, how are you?) My name is Vitalii. Link to my repo on GitHub.
I'm Yaroslav. I'm happy to be here.
Hello, Kottans! I'm excited to join the community and to start front-end 2022 course! Link to my course repo in GitHub is here. Peace :)
Thanks for good opportunity to join in progressive learning of front-end ! My GitHub :)
My name is Anna. I'm really exited to join Kottans!
I'm learning to use Git!
I'm Nataliia, glad to be here. Wish everyone luck!
Sorry, no cats, just birds (plz don't eat)
My name is Oleksii and I'm so happy to be a part of such warm and friendly community!
Looking forward for studying like my fluffy friend!
My name is Eugene. My github
I am very glad that I have the opportunity to take this course. Already from the first task I learned a lot of new information😻
I am happy to be with you!
I am glad to get such an opportunity to study with people who already have experience and are happy to share it! Kottans, I'm with you!
My github
My name is Anton. Very happy to join the Kottans community! cat
Just a changes to make pull request, without any useful information
If youeveryone who is here now has walked a small path that brings us closer to the goal. My name is Yaroslav and I will make every effort to go all the way.
I am Anatolii. I'm glad to join the community!
I'm Vladyslav. I'm glad to join Kottans
My name is Viktor and I am a Python dev, although it is never too late to turn into a FullStack. Looking forward to great cooperation! Live long and prosper. 🖖