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CleanApkPlugin is an Apk shrink plugin for Gradle. It helps you reduce the size of your Apk by editing the generated Apk and removing unnecessary resource files, such as images, audio and video files, and other files that do not affect the functionality of your app.
- Remove any file in the Apk.
- Convert PNG images in your project to WebP format.
- Support multi-dimensional configuration rules based on productFlavor, buildType, etc.
- Support two running modes: independent task and embedded action.
plugins {
cleanApk {
// Whether to overwrite the original apk
overwriteOutput = false
// Whether to use an independent gradle task, cleanApk${variantName}
useSingleTask = false
// Support configuring rules based on flavor, buildType, flavor+buildType
// Support wildcards, rules refer to packingOptions
excludeFiles {
create("debug") {
excludes = listOf("assets/guetzli", "/DebugProbesKt.bin")
create("release") {
excludes = listOf("assets/pngquant", "/DebugProbesKt.bin")
create("flavor1") {
excludes = listOf()
create("flavor2Debug") {
excludes = listOf()
webp {
// Support configuring rules based on flavor, buildType, flavor+buildType
// includes have higher priority than excludes, if neither is configured, all images will be converted by default
// If the converted webp is larger than the original image, it will not be converted
create("debug") {
enable = true
quality = 75f // [0, 100] default 75
drawableIncludes = listOf("close") // image name, without extension
drawableExcludes = listOf()
mipmapIncludes = listOf()
mipmapExcludes = listOf()
AndResguard: Used the code of apksigner
Android-ArscBlamer: Used to parse arsc files