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AWS Trusted Advisor Aggregator

Version 1.0.8 (Released 23rd March 2021) .

Bug Fixes

  1. Allow Assume Role where no AWS Access/Secret Key specified (Using instance profile)
  2. Improved logging


This app allows you to configure AWS Trusted Advisor reporting directly into Splunk. AWS Trusted Advisor help you reduce cost, increase performance, and improve security by optimising your AWS environment and is included in Business and Enterprise support packages.

AWS Basic Support and AWS Developer Support customers get access to 6 security checks (S3 Bucket Permissions, Security Groups - Specific Ports Unrestricted, IAM Use, MFA on Root Account, EBS Public Snapshots, RDS Public Snapshots) and 50 service limit checks. AWS Business Support and AWS Enterprise Support customers get access to all 115 Trusted Advisor checks (14 cost optimization, 17 security, 24 fault tolerance, 10 performance, and 50 service limits) and recommendations. More Info on Trusted Advisor.

Using this app you can configure a number of AWS accounts with ease and a pre-build dashboard displays your Trusted Advisor recommendations in one place, for all accounts, with the option of breaking down per account.

Credit to Hurricane Labs who built the foundations to this app which included data collection and dashboard.

Check out more information on Trusted Advisor and the capabilities

How the app works

AWS Basic Support and AWS Developer Support customers get access to 6 security checks (S3 Bucket Permissions, Security Groups - Specific Ports Unrestricted, IAM Use, MFA on Root Account, EBS Public Snapshots, RDS Public Snapshots) and 50 service limit checks. AWS Business Support and AWS Enterprise Support customers get access to all 115 Trusted Advisor checks (14 cost optimization, 17 security, 24 fault tolerance, 10 performance, and 50 service limits) and recommendations. For a complete list of checks and descriptions, explore Trusted Advisor Best Practices.



  • The app requires AWS credentials in order to collect data from AWS Trusted Advisor, this can be through the use of an Instance Profile, IAM User and/or IAM Role.
  • The AWS Credentials configured must have at least the following Permissions in order to query Trusted Advisor
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
       "Statement": [
               "Effect": "Allow",
               "Action": "trustedadvisor:Describe*",
               "Resource": "*"

Docker deployment

This app has been tested in a standalone container using the following command:
docker run -d -v $(pwd):/opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-aws-trusted-advisor -p 8009:8000 -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=MyPassword1" --name splunktaaws splunk/splunk:latest

During testing, varying AWS IAM configurations were tested, including:

  • Standalone IAM User (Access/Secret Key)
  • Assume Role using IAM User (Access/Secret Key + Role ARN)
  • Assume Role using Instance Profile (when running from an AWS EC2 host with appropriate credentials)

The app has been tested on the latest 8.0 and 8.1 Splunk Enterprise builds.

Installation on existing deployments

The app was designed to be installed on an All-In-One (AIO) instance, or onto your Search Head(s), however alternative configurations are possible.

The app does not need installing on your indexing tier.

It is possible to run the modular input section of the app on a heavy-forwarder or an IDM, however you will also need to install the app on your search head(s).


  1. Once installed, navigate to the app using the dropdown at the top of the Splunk UI.

  1. Navigate to the "Inputs" tab.

  2. Create a new input:
    Name: Something to identify your this input from any other AWS accounts you are monitoring
    Interval: How often to scrape the Trusted Advisor check results, recommended value 43200 (every 12 hours)
    Index: The name of the index that you want the scraped data to go into. Note: the trusted-advisor-index macro will need updating to match your chosen index (index=main by default).
    AWS Access Key: The Access Key of the IAM user to use to connect, not required if you're running on your Splunk instance on AWS using an Instance Profile
    AWS Secret Key: As above
    Role ARN: Set this to an AWS IAM Role ARN if your IAM User/Instance Profile is required to assume a different role to access Trusted Advisor (e.g. accessing other accounts).

  1. Enable the saved search "Trusted Advisor Checks Lookup Populator" - This is used to generate the metadata used in the dashboards to display the various Trusted Advisor checks.

  1. Manually run the saved search or manually run | getchecks | outputlookup trusted_advisor_checks

  1. If you are using a custom index (default is main), update the trusted-advisor-index macro.


Once configured, navigate to the Trusted Advisor tab, this will display the pre-configured dashboard giving an overview of your Trusted Advisor findings.
Use the Time and Account dropdowns to select different time periods, or to view specific (or all) AWS accounts. The names in the account list correspond to the input(s) created during the configuration of the app.


Once you see your recommendations, click a row in the Overview table to see more information, e.g. specific resource recommendations or at-risk components.


If you are not seeing results in your dashboard, there are a couple of things to check.

  1. Check that the trusted_advisor_checks lookup is not empty: screenshot7 If this is empty, try running the "Populator" saved search, or manually run | getchecks | outputlookup trusted_advisor_checks and use the job inspector to identify any errors.

  2. Check that the trusted-advisor-index macro is referencing the index that you are storing your data in. If there is no data in the expected index, check the input is enabled and the details are correct. Failing this, check the _internal logs (see below).

  3. Internal logs - Check index=_internal source=*/ta_aws_trusted_advisor_aws_trusted_advisor.log for any errors.
    The most common cause of error is that the IAM User credentials are incorrect or the User/Role/Profile does not have the required permissions.

  4. Manually execute the modular input to check if the script runs correctly: $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk cmd splunkd print-modinput-config aws_trusted_advisor aws_trusted_advisor://<YOUR_INPUT_NAME> | $SPLUNK_HOM/bin/splunk cmd python3 $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-aws-trusted-advisor/bin/

  5. If you're still experiencing any issues, please raise an issue in GitHub