Examples in Python to analysis NetCDF4 files from climate change simulations or observations. Different python libraries are used, with the most useful procedures to start working with netCDF4 files. These examples are supplementary material of the following scientific article:
Article reference - under review
Main libraries used: netCDF4, xarray, numpy, scipy, statsmodels, Basemap, matplotlib, seaborn
Working with an individual netCDF4 file.
-(1) Read, analysis, operate and visualise netCDF4 file.
-(2) Read, modify and write netCDF4 file - using netCDF4 library.
-(3) Read, modify and write netCDF4 file - using xarray library.
-(4) Function to change longitude from 0-360 to -180-180.
-(5) Function to find the index of the point closest to a specific lat/long.
Working with an ensemble of netCDF4 files.
-(a) read, analysis and plot ensemble of netCDF4 files using xarray
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