This repo includes my configuration files which can be managed by GNU Stow.
Repo structure
|-- git
|----|-- .gitmessage
|-- tmux
|----|-- .tmux.conf
|-- oh-my-zsh
|----|-- .zshrc
|----|-- .oh-my-zsh
|-- posh
|----|-- .mytheme.omp.json
|----|-- Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
|-- ideavim
|----|-- .ideavimrc
prompt template for commit message. It will applied when committing.
is configurations of tmux.
Configuration files for zsh
Windows only
Configuration files for posh
is used for posh propmt
is shell profile to load posh.
Windows only
vim keyboard mapping for idea IDE
New-Item -ItemType symboliclink -Path path/to/create/symboliclink -Name name/of/symboliclink -Value source/of/Symboliclink
Xstow is recommended.