This repository has now been archived as the schema for Firebase has changed. Please see this repo instead:
# Firebase Block
The firebase block is essententially sessionized event data. Each session has attributes about the user at the point in time of the start of the session and an array of events that occured during that session.
Users have have arbitrary properties store in user_properties.
Each event has a 'name' and the name is assigned by the firebase application.
Each event of a given name has params. Params are named and typed by the firebase application.
- This file.firebase.model.lkml
- edit this file to point to your connection and source dataFIREBASE_BLOCK.view.lkml
- the firebase block itself. DO NOT EDITevents_generated.view.lkml
- Automatically generate this file using the technique below.
This model contans a way to generate LookML code dynamically for the structure of the data in the database. Once you have the firebase model configured.
2. Copy and Paste the the output the contents of the measure into the events_generated
view in events_generated.view.lkml
Replace all content of these view files with the generated LookML. You should now be able to explore all the events.