This repository holds example codes for recasting long-lived particle (LLP) searches. The code authors and repository maintainers are not responsible for how the code is used and the user should use discretion when applying it to new models.
This is an open repository and if you have developed a code for recasting a LLP analysis, we encourage you to include it here. Please contact [email protected] and we will provide you with the necessary information for including your code.
The repository folder structure is organized according to the type of LLP signature and the corresponding analysis and authors:
- Displaced Vertices
- CalRatio Displaced Jets
- Emerging Jets
- Heavy Stable Charged Particles
- Disappearing Tracks
A README file can be found inside each folder with the required dependencies and basic instructions on how to run the recasting codes.
Instructions on how to compile and run the main executable are provided in every recasting folder. For instance, the recasting of the 8 TeV CMS search requires Pythia8. After downloading and compiling Pythia 8, the main recasting code can be compiled with the following steps:
- Go to the HSCPs/CMS-EXO-12-026 folder
- Make sure Pythia 8 is available and run
make main_hscp.exe -pythia8path=<path-to-pythia>
Finally the compiled code can be run and its options displayed running:
./main_hscp.exe --help
If you have any questions, comments or want to contact the repository maintainers, please send an e-mail to [email protected]