- Pro
comp Public
Code snippets to learn about compiler optimizations and scheduling
cpr Public
Forked from libcpr/cprC++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.
depthai-core Public
Forked from luxonis/depthai-coreDepthAI C++ Library
ocs2 Public
Forked from leggedrobotics/ocs2Optimal Control for Switched Systems
a1_sim_py Public
This is a temporary repository, which contains all the files needed to simulate the Unitree Robotics' a1 quadrupedal robot.
elevation_mapping_cupy Public
Forked from leggedrobotics/elevation_mapping_cupyElevation Mapping on GPU.
DiffRL Public
Forked from imgeorgiev/DiffRLLearning Optimal Policies Through Contact in Differentiable Simulation
bobnet Public
Code for deploying an RL controller trainined in Isaac Sim
udpai Public
This python package definitely does not try to emulate TCP using UDP or AI.
legged_state_estimator Public
Forked from mayataka/legged_state_estimatorC++ library to implement invariant extended Kalman filtering (InEKF) for aided inertial navigation.
pinocchio Public
Forked from stack-of-tasks/pinocchioA fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
quad-sdk Public
Forked from robomechanics/quad-sdkSoftware tools for agile quadrupeds, developed by the Robomechanics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University.
drake Public
Forked from RobotLocomotion/drakeModel-based design and verification for robotics.
ocs2_robotic_assets Public
Forked from leggedrobotics/ocs2_robotic_assetsVarious robotic assets for OCS2 Toolbox
notspot_sim_cpp Public
This repository contains all the code and files needed to simulate the notspot quadrupedal robot using Gazebo and ROS.
notspot_sim_py Public
This repository contains all the code and files needed to simulate the notspot quadrupedal robot using Gazebo and ROS.