heavily based on package-trpc-swagger
- This requires a patched version of tRPC, see this PR.
- Bruno collection generation is a WIP but should work for basic use cases.
- Targets Bun
- Supports all libraries from typeschema
- Targets OpenAPI 3.1.0
- Creates a restful OpenAPI schema
- Generates bruno definitions
- Blacklisted-only mode: generate all procedures, even without a .meta (!!), following the pattern:
subRouter.getDate -> /sub-router/get-date
- Returns a map of the generated OpenAPI endpoints to the original procedure path for usage with elysia-trpc
if blacklistedOnly is enabled, all procedures will be generated, even if they don't have a .meta
import { initTRPC } from "@trpc/server";
import type { OpenApiMeta } from "../src/types/meta";
import { generateTrpcDocs } from "../src";
import { Type } from "@sinclair/typebox";
// this meta is also optional, but highly recommended
const t = initTRPC.meta<OpenApiMeta>().create();
const router = t.router;
const appRouter = router({
user: userRouter,
createDate: t.procedure
openapi: {
// only this procedure will be ignored since we're in blacklistedOnly mode
enabled: false,
date: Type.String(),
.mutation(({ input }) => ({
date: input.date,
const userRouter = router({
// no need for a .meta, all meta properties are optional!
getInfo: t.procedure
name: Type.String(),
name: Type.String(),
id: Type.Number(),
age: Type.Number(),
.query(({ input }) => ({
name: input.name,
id: 1,
age: 10,
doStuff: t.procedure
openapi: {
// This request example will be used for for the OpenAPI Schema
// and optionally for the bruno collection
reqEx: {
id: 127,
id: Type.Number(),
.mutation(({ input }) => ({
id: input.id,
The generated mappings can be used for a transparent openapi router with my patched elysia-trpc
const { document, mappings } = await generateTrpcDocs(appRouter, {
// Will be removed from the path, e.g.:
// timeUtils.getDate -> /time-utils/date
wordsToRemove: ["get", "create", "info"],
baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000",
title: "My API",
description: "My API description",
version: "1.0.0",
// Creates a bruno collection
bruno: {
outputDir: "./example/bruno",
blacklistedOnly: true,,
// cache file for key value examples
openAi: {
cacheFilePath: "./examples.json",
Bun.write("./example/openapi.json", JSON.stringify(document, null, 2));
Check out this example's generated schema
- bruno diffing to detect external changes
- use ts-morph to extract types to remove schema dependency
- better superjson support in the new router
- Add more configs