LocomotiveCMS is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end technology, standard development process and no learning time for your client. Visit the project's website at https://www.locomotivecms.com/, or read the docs on https://doc.locomotivecms.com/.
To get your own Locomotive running on Heroku, click the button below:
Follow the steps and you will be up and running in no time!
HEROKU_APP_NAME (required): Pick a name for your application.
HEROKU_API_KEY (required): The API key of your Heroku user account. If you need help finding it, you can find it by following this guide: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/authentication.
HEROKU_API_KEY (required) and S3_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY (required): These fields is how your site will authenticate with Amazon S3. To do this, follow this guide http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSGettingStartedGuide/AWSCredentials.html. You also need to make sure that this key pair has sufficient access to your S3 bucket. Follow this guide to make sure this is done: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/s3-access-control.html
S3_BUCKET (required). The name you used when creating the S3 bucket.
S3_BUCKET_REGION (required). Pick the region you selected when setting up AmazonS3 https://locomotive-v3.readme.io/docs/heroku#set-up-amazon-s3.
S3_ASSET_HOST_URL (optional). Optional custom CDN asset host url.
After deployment, your site will be publicly accessible at
. -
You can add a custom domain through the Heroku Toolbelt or through the Heroku dashboard.
If you have problems, check the official documentation or open an issue. If there is an issue in the process of deploying to heroku, then open an issue here.
Copyright (c) 2019 NoCoffee, released under the MIT license