This example plugin syncs car crds from the vcluster into the host cluster.
For more information how to develop plugins in vcluster and a complete walk through, please refer to the official vcluster docs.
To use the plugin, create a new vcluster with the plugin.yaml
# Apply cars crd in host cluster
kubectl apply -f
# Use public plugin.yaml
vcluster create my-vcluster -n my-vcluster -f
This will create a new vcluster with the plugin installed. After that, wait for vcluster to start up and check:
# Create a car in the virtual cluster
vcluster connect my-vcluster -n my-vcluster -- kubectl apply -f manifests/audi.yaml
# Check if the car was synced to the host cluster
kubectl get car -n my-vcluster
To just build the plugin image and push it to the registry, run:
# Build
docker build . -t my-repo/my-plugin:0.0.1
# Push
docker push my-repo/my-plugin:0.0.1
Then exchange the image in the plugin.yaml
General vcluster plugin project structure:
├── go.mod # Go module definition
├── go.sum
├── devspace.yaml # Development environment definition
├── # Development entrypoint script
├── Dockerfile # Production Dockerfile
├── main.go # Go Entrypoint
├── plugin.yaml # Plugin Helm Values
├── syncers/ # Plugin Syncers
└── manifests/ # Additional plugin resources
Before starting to develop, make sure you have installed the following tools on your computer:
- docker
- kubectl with a valid kube context configured
- helm, which is used to deploy vcluster and the plugin
- vcluster CLI v0.6.0 or higher
- DevSpace, which is used to spin up a development environment
- Go programming language build tools
After successfully setting up the tools, start the development environment with:
devspace dev -n vcluster
After a while a terminal should show up with additional instructions. Enter the following command to start the plugin:
go build -mod vendor -o plugin main.go && /vcluster/syncer start
You can now change a file locally in your IDE and then restart the command in the terminal to apply the changes to the plugin.
Delete the development environment with:
devspace purge -n vcluster