Provides an easy to use DSL for flexible, robust xml parsers. The goal of flexparser is to be able to write One Parser to parse them all.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'flexparser'
Or simply
gem install flexparser
Including the Flexparser
module in any Class turns it into a parser.
Lets start simple:
class WebParser
include Flexparser
property 'url'
Now this class is able to parse xml similar to this:
Now your parser can do this:
# Assuming the xml variable holds the xml code mentioned above
website = WebParser.parse xml
webite.url #=> ''
A node
command will only return the first value it finds. When you have multiple nodes that interest you, you can get a collection
of them.
books = '
<work author="H.P. Lovecraft">
<story>The Call of Cthulhu</story>
<story>The Nameless City</story>
class LovecraftParser
include Flexparser
property 'story', collection: true
work = LovecraftParser.parse books
work.story #=> ['The Call of Cthulhu', 'Dagon', 'The Nameless City']
Sometimes you want more than to just extract a String. This way you can make your parser return complex Objects and nest parsers as deep as you like.
library = "
<author>J. R. R. Tolkien</author>
<title>The Hobbit</title>
<author>Suzanne Collins</author>
<title>The Hunger Games</title>
class LibraryParser
include Flexparser
property 'book', collection: true do
attr_accessor :isbn
property 'author'
property 'title'
lib = LibraryParser.parse library #=> 'Suzanne Collins' #=> 'The Hobbit' = '9780582186552' #=> '9780582186552'
With nested parsers, anonymous classes are defined inside an existing parser. Therefore you can define methods all you like (should the need arise).
You might not always know (or it might not always be the same), what the information you are looking for is called. If that is the case, you can define multiple tags for the same property. Here are a few examples:
class UniParser
include Flexparser
# Creates accessors called 'url' and 'url=' but will look for nodes with the name url, link and website. Will return the first thing it finds.
property %w[url link website]
# Creates a property called main_header and will look for message and title
property %w[message title], name: 'main_header'
# This will define a property called width and will look for an attribute of the same name
property '@width'
# This will define a property called `image_url` that will look for a node called 'image' and extract its 'url' attribute
property 'image/@url'
# This will look for a tag called encoded with the namespace content
property 'content:encoded'
# Here we define a transformation to make the parser return an integer
property 'height', transform: :to_i
# An alternative to the transformation is a type. The type must have a #parse method that receives a string
property 'url', type: URI
# A little bit of everything
property %w[image picture @img media:image], name: 'visual', type: URI, collection: true
When defining nested parsers, you would use a block. Like this:
class ParserClass
include Flexparser
property 'story', collection: true do
property 'author'
property 'title'
When passing a block to a parser definition, a new class is created that basically looks like this: { include Flexparser }
The block is then class_eval
ed on this anonymous class. Thats gives you a lot of flexibility in definen your parsers.
You can configure Flexparser by using a block (for example in an initializer) like so:
Flexparser.configure do |config|
config.option = value
At time of writing there are two Options:
Default: true
If this is true
you need to specify a :name
for your property
everytime there is more than one tag in your tag-list.
# Bad!
property %w[url link website]
# Good!
property %w[url link website], name: 'website'
# Don't care! Unambiguous!
property 'url'
property ['width']
Default: true
If true, Flexparser
will add a second set of xpaths to the list of tags you specified, that will ignore namespaces completely.
Flexparser.configure { |c| c.retry_without_namespaces = false }
class SomeParser
property 'inventory'
xml = '<inventory xmlns="">james</inventory>'
# The inventory can't be found because it is namespaced.
SomeParser.parse(xml).inventory #=> nil :(
Flexparser.configure { |c| c.retry_without_namespaces = true }
class SomeBetterParser
property 'inventory'
xml = '<inventory xmlns="">james</inventory>'
# The inventory can be found because we don't care.
SomeParser.parse(xml).inventory #=> 'james'
The Xpath used here adheres to xpath version 1.X.X and uses the name property .//[name()='inventory']
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
The Flexparser
module defines certain class methods. Most importantly property
works in similar ways.
takes a String
or an array of strings as well as some options. The property
method instantiates a TagParser
and adds it to the @tags
property of the class that is including Flexparser
(we'll call it MainClass from here on out), which holds an array of all the TagParser
s and CollectionParser
s . It also defines accessors for the name of the property the property
parser should extract.
The Parsers use an instance of Flexparser::XPaths
to handle the array of tags that they are passed.
When everything is setup (i.e. the class is loaded), you can call ::parse
on your MainClass and pass it an XML string. At this point the MainClass instantiates itself and the TagParser
s and CollectionParser
s extract a value from the xml, that is then assigned to the newly created MainClass instance.