Provides Wisper with asynchronous event publishing using
Fork Information:
- Added GlobalID to Time and Date, otherwise update changes could not be serialized
- Allow setting an own Job Wrapper class to e.g. discard jobs with arguments that could not be deserialized.
gem 'wisper-activejob'
publisher.subscribe(MyListener, async: true)
The listener must be a class (or module), not an object. This is because ActiveJob can not reconstruct the state of an object. Whereas a class has no state.
Additionally, you should also ensure that your methods used to handle events under MyListener
are all declared as class methods:
class MyListener
def self.event_name
When publishing events the arguments must be simple types as they need to be
serialized, or the object must include GlobalID
such as ActiveRecord
1.9.3+ including JRuby and Rubinius.
See the build status for details.
Please send a Pull Request or an Issue to discuss your idea first.
- Push to master
- rake build
- rake release